Thursday, October 28, 2010

Life is gooooooooooood, decidedly.

I keep having WOW GOD IS AMAZING moments.

I've been talking to a friend who's struggling with her pace of life right now and dealing with frustrations with school and work and a lot of other things. I wrote her a letter yesterday and sent it today. Contained in that letter were some of the very words I saw her say TODAY after she prayed about her situation. It's amazing how God just re-emphasizes his love for us through simple, amazing things like conversations and letters. He loves us so much.

I ran three miles the other day and it felt wonnnnderful. My parents gave me new running shoes for my birthday and I just got them on Friday, so it was my first run in them. It was beautiful.

I had a ridiculous chemistry exam today. I stayed up until two in the morning to study for it. I was up by 7:30 to take it at 8. I think it went alright, but LITERALLY no one knew what the heck the last page was about. No one. Not even the thirty-some year old guy who's a real nurse didnt know what she meant. So we are all hoping that Dear Darling Professor Medhurst will be magical and just not count the last page because evvvvverybody bombed it. Fun stuff.

I have a B- in PHILOSOPHY. What the heeeeckkk? I took SO much philosophy in high school and now suddenly we have multiple choice tests about Plato and Descartes??? There is something really, really absurd about that. Give me a seminar table, not a fill in the bubble test.

It's a stunning Thursday. I really like Thursdays because I am done with classes by twelve fifteen and I only work from 2-4. It's a perfect little running window from 4-5 and then I can shower and be ready to eat by like 6. I just like Thursdays. Plus, outside is AMAZING. It was nasty and rainy and warm and humid yesterday and everywhere was HOT and stuffy and gross. But today is perfect, breezy, and crystal clear. I like it.

I got a paycheck in the mail today.
I mailed a package to my beautiful besty.
I successfully discussed a book I had never opened.
I tried a new kind of sushi.
I straightened my hair, and it looks weird.
I'm getting SO excited to see my family and friends at Thanksgiving. so excited.

I'm just grateful for everything today. I wish I had more time to get work done and not have to stress about registration deadlines and test grades right now, but hey, it all works out. No one got stuck in one place in their life forever because of a B- in philosophy or a late registration. At least not stuck very long. I have hope in me.
I have way too much sunshine and fiery fall trees to complain about anything.

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