Monday, October 11, 2010


I slept through my alarm, didn't shower, stumbled to work reaaallllyyy late, and my eyes are halfway closed because I didn't have coffee and i did not get enough sleep. Such was the start to my Monday.
I ate a pop tart for breakfast. I don't even like pop tarts.
Some people exaggerate about "looking disgusting" when they're having off days, but really, no exaggeration, I actually look disgusting today.
My phone is going to die today and I won't have enough time to charge it before im off campus.
Yesterday, I missed the shuttle bus by like 30 seconds and i watched him pull ou. I was so bummed, but then i saw that the shuttle was stopped at a stoplight in front of the school, so I raaaaaan to the shuttle while the light was still red, and knocked on the door of the shuttle for the driver to let me in. The driver looked me straight in the face while i was knocking, didnt say or do anything, waiting for about ten more seconds while i was asking to be let in, and HE DROVE AWAY, leaving my in the middle of Glebe road, in traffic. So for that, Mr. Shuttle man, I do NOT thank you, because I could have been run over and it would have been on your conscience. I really just don't appreciate you very much.
I got chocolate milk from McDonalds yesterday. It was SUCH a good life decision.
Tonight I'm going to Jonathan's house with all of my boys and his mom is making us dinner. I'm so excited!

I am so profoundly saddened by the death of Mrs. McShane. Anyone who was her student or friend knew how completely selfless she was. She never put herself before others. I remember one time in particular when I was a sophomore in high school and i was horrible at chemistry. There was one day in the midle of november, it was close to Thankgiving break, and she stayed after school with me and sat with me as I did my homework, painstakingly slowly. She was just there in case I had questions, and we stayed after school until almost 6pm. She drove me all the way home too. Mrs. McShane was a constant cheerleader, consolation in stressful times [college deadline stress was always eased when Mrs McShane popped her head out of the office and called you over for a hug and words of wisdom], and just a beautiful, beautiful person. It breaks my heart that I couldn't say goodbye. But oh how grateful I am. I am so blessed to have known her, she helped me grow and become who I am and helped shape who I will be in the future. Mrs. McShane, you're in heaven already and you are so profoundly happy, I am so joyful for you.

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