Friday, October 1, 2010

FRIDAY, you're my favorite.

Sooooo.... hm. Today I definitely slept through my 9:30am philosophy class. That was a bummer, it was a total accident. Thennn I had a sociology mideterm and I actually think i owned. I was so happy cause I started studying for it yesterday. Not recommended by the way. Horrible idea. But all in all, it is such a good day. The weather is absolutely perfect in every way. It's about 73 degrees, sunny and breezy. Amaaazing fall day, I feel so loved by God today. He's just taking care of me so well.
Right now I am sitting in my room, about to watch an episode of Glee [shhh don't tell] and Emily is crashed on my bed because she didnt sleep last night, agaainn. That girl amazes me with how long she can go without sleep. She's sleeping like a baby now though :)
I would LOVE a slurpee right now. Just saying.
I think I'm going out with Becca later tonight! Can I just say how much I looove having a sister live here? It feels like Christmas.
My desk is so messy. Wanna know 5 objects that are easily accessible to me right now?
1. a water jug
2. a mr. coffee box
3. 3 [yes, 3] desk lamps
4. a pack of 200 coffee filters
5. about 3 rolls of duct tape

you WISH you lived in my dorm room.

Glee is fantastic solely because I love hearing people with legitimately good voices. I miss singing. I wanna rock out alll the time, sing soo loudly, but now I have to worry about "disturbing the neighbors." Plus I'm totally self conscious about people hearing me. Bah. Singing really is the best though, I love it.
sunshine, gum wrappers, open windows, ponytail, leftover makeup, flip flops, loving life, want to shout out loud how awesome today feels. I'm alive, I am loved, life is myyy favorite.

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