Monday, November 1, 2010


I hate it when I lose my pens. I ALWAYS lose them.
and I have an aversion to pencils.

I have had one mug of tea and two mugs of coffee in the past two hours.
I'm still too sleepy to be doing homework.

I have the beginnings of a cold, my sinuses feel like there's a thirty pound weight on them and my nose is very sniffly.

I'm pretty sure I have a research proposal due tomorrow that I definitely have NOT written yet. I don't quite know what I'm going to do about that yet.

I should probably be studying for my sociology test right now. But I'm not, obviously.

I wrote a poem when I was in procrastination, trying not to panic mode. I kinda like it.

I'm scatterbrained and ridiculous right now.

I have my thinking hairdo going on [big bun on the tippy top of my head] and I'm wearing my man sweatpants and fuzzy slippers. What Not to Wear would MURDER me right now.

I got the best letter from Valerie today, it made me smile. I got it from my mailbox and read it outside at a picnic table in the sunshine. She's the best.

I had cocoa puffs for dinner because the only edible looking food were sloppy joes that turned out not being very edible. Yay cereal!

I love my roommate because she has dance parties in the bathroom with me while we brush our teeth.

I ran out of actual kleenex, so there's just a bunch of toilet paper sitting next to me at my desk. I feel classy.

On my left, there is a foot-high stack of library books.

Today, my favorite cafeteria worker guy was serving me my not-so-awesome sloppy joe, and I said my please and thank yous, and he just kinda stopped for a second and said "you know, you are just always happy, what's your secret to always having a good day?" and I didnt even know what to say, I just laughed and said I love life. He said "well, I like that, you're always smiling and that's impressive."
That made me happy.

I would looovvvee a different desk chair. These ones hurt a lot.

All my bracelets make me so happy. I need to buy string asap because about ten people want me to make them one.

I'm procrastinating to the maaaxx right now, I gotta stop this business.

Moral of the story, always get your homework done early, then you wouldn't have to fake as many smiles as I am right now. But don't get me wrong, I'm still one of the happiest people ever.

1 comment:

  1. "Christeta, my friend, you're special...there's no one just like you; God made you very special- that's why we honor you!"

    Love Christ and do what you will.
    Love Christ who loves you takes you places you never thought you could go. That's true happiness.
