Monday, October 4, 2010


Lalalala sdkjkdsjfdsknkj <-- that's how I would describe my life right now. Because despite the fact that I am pretty happy, I feel like I'm in a dryer on the tumble setting right now. Life is moving one clumsy step at a time, but wt the same time its a total whirlwind full of lights, darks, and a little bit of fabric softener.
My weekend was really good, and it started off really well with going out to dinner with Becca :) I love Becca-time, she keeps me so sane. We philosophize, nerd out, freak out, swap stories, ad lib poetry and people watch. It's a beautiful thing. You wish YOU had a Becca to be your sister.
Now.. Saturday was a different story. You see, I got a call a few weeks ago to do a babysitting job. I thought yes! Great! Money!! I took them up on it. The family lives a few miles away in Arlington, and I sat for them once before, so I was pretty confident about going there again. However, I didn't know HOW i was going to get there yet, because last time they picked me up, and this time they wouldnt be able to get me. I figured I could definitely find ways of transportation, so whatever. Well, my friend Katrina was a gem and drove me there in the morning which was wonnnderful. I had a great day with the kids. They are adorable! Their names are Elizabeth (4) and Henry (2), and they are about the cutest, smartest, most hilariously happy children in the entire world. Elizabeth loves rainbow colors, tie-dye, coloring and making jewelry [can you see why we get along?], and Henry LOVES the color purple, talks soo much, and never stops drooling or smiling. They make me laugh and i love them!
So I babysit from 9-2, and when 2 rolls around, I still haven't figured out any kind of ride back to campus so I thought hey! I'm not that far away! I'll just walk! .... HAH.
[2 hours later, I was definitely still walking]. Needless to say, I got a liiiittle bit lost. I'd like to thank the very friendly man in the Exon station who gave me vague, half-in-english, but helpful nevertheless directions back towards Lee hwy and Glebe. I'd like to NOT thank campus safety because you definitely didnt call a shuttle to pick me up from Wood Lee Arms [the apartments that a lot of Marymount people live at that I magically stumbled upon while walking] and caused me to sit at a bus stop for 45 minutes for a bus that was never going to arrive. I would like to thank the Starbucks i hit up and the venti iced skim extra caramel macchiato that boosted my mood from very grumpy to moderately put off. I'd like to say sorry to the hole I burned in my pocket paying for that drink.
On to Sunday. I slept in, had a beautiful breakfast, cleaned my room like a pro, went on a gorgeous 3.5 mile run and encountered some really large hills, took a shower, ate dinner, went to mass, and studied for hours for my Chemistry midterm that was this morning. I think it went well! Pleeease Jesus.
This morning, after having gone to bed at almost 3 in the morning, the fire alarms week everyone up at 5:30. JOY. That was not an ideal start to my Monday, but whaaatever. I wasn't a happy child this morning.
But I have hot chocolate!
and a BIG hoodie!
and sweatpants!!!
and a.... lot of things that I can't think of.
Happy studying to everyone who has midterms like meee :]

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