Friday, October 22, 2010

We're gonna show this town how to kiss these stars

It's amazing outside, I'm looking out my window, and it's clear, absolutely see-through sunshine. Know what I mean? Sunshiney days can be hazy or whatever, but today is needle-sharp and whistle clear. I love it :) It's kinda chilly outside, but it's the kind of weather that makes you neverever wanna go inside. I'm obsessed with today.
So last night I was all depressed cause I had to study for a philosophy midterm and it was all shplahh and blahh and I didn't know what to study, and then my friends suggested we stargaze. WHATTT. okay, best idea on the PLANET. we took our backpacks out to the lacrosse/soccer field, laid down, and watched those stars. Apparently there was supposed to be a meteor shower, but the meteors were a lil shy. Aside from the lack of shooting stars, last night was bomb. It was freezing cold, no one was warm enough, we all snuggled under blankets with eachother and sang songs and had dance parties to "we speak no americano" and high school musical. It was a beautiful thing. And then boys started playing soccer, and there was kettle corn and chocolate milk and grasshopper cookies and blankets in a bag and michael jackson and footie pajamas and thermals. It was just a whole lot of fantastic nonsense, I love my friends.
After stargazing shenanigans, Jaime and I went to study for out midterm [keep in mind that its about 1:45am by this time]. We went to the honors lounge, dealt with some girls who apparently had nothing better to do than watch an elephant mating special on the discovery channel? That was awkward. Then we heart to hearted and vending machine adventured and facebook stalked AND got some studying done. It was priceless, like mastercard.
they have pink on them, which i totally thought wasn't my style but my mom said they're pretty. I think ANY spankin new pair of running shoes is pretty. I am so excited to break these babies in. I wanna keep track of how many miles I run in them. This is my second real pair of running shoes. My first pair is DONE, so worn out. They were my first pair of shoes I bought for the sole purpose of running. I fell in love with running in those shoes, it's a bittersweet goodbye. Hah, just kidding, they are old and nasty.
My mom's picking me up this afternoon and we're hanging out, going on a date, it's gonna be fuun. I love my mom, she is just the best, I'm so lucky. Today, my friendboys asked me if my mom was "cool like me" and I was like "whaaat?" and they said "you know, crazy, goofy, nice" and I said ohhhh yes, yes she is. She is way cooler than me. I don't know if anyone is cooler than my mom, for the sole reason that she knows how to love people better than I could ever hope to. She's a complete rockstar, I give her like a million points.
IM OUT. Imma go on a walk with Jaime because today is perfection.

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