Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Just Live Your Life

So I've decided that chocolate milk solves all of my problems. Well, chocolate milk, country music, and fantastic friends. I mean, really. Spending $1.80 on a lil box of chocolate milk from the bookstore food section completely turned my day around, then driving in Jonathan's car with the windows down and country blasting juust really made me realize how much there is to love about today.
I woke up, that's something, yeah?
I have friends EVERYWHERE and i don't know what I'd do without them
I got to spend several hours with my best friendboy Dillon yesterday and it made my liife.
I got cookies in the mail from my brother William yesterday and it was adorable and so nice :)
I woke up on Liz's floor yesterday morning and we had an adventure morning trying to find somewhere that could give us cereal. Then we ate it under a tree, and it was magical.
I have wonderful parents who want so much for me and take such good care of whatever I need.
I'm alive.
That's it... I'm alive, I'm here, I'm awake and breathing and I can see this perfect amazing sky that didn't have to be here for us to see, but it IS and it's amazing. I can hear and talk and smile and laugh and learn and forget and eat and sleep. Being alive is one very cool thing if you ever stop to think about it for a while. You can DO ANYTHING. How freeing is that? Think about it.

I spent some time by myself in my school's chapel today. I had just gotten off the phone with my mom because I was trying to discern whether or not I should come to South Bend for Mrs. McShane's funeral. I would miss too many classes that I can't afford to miss, so I decided to stay here. I can't even tell you how upset I am that i can't be there to celebrate her life with EVERYONE I know and love. I was tearing up on the phone, and I was sitting outside, and I hate crying in front of people, so I walked to the chapel to be alone, just me and Jesus hahah. I picked up a bible that was sitting there and immediately my eyes fell on Matthew 6:19-21.
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and decay destroy, and thieves break in and steal. But store up treasure in heaven, where neither moth nor decay destroy, nor thieves break in and steal. For where your treasure is, also will your heart be."
I am heartbroken by the death of Mrs. McShane. But this verse made me think about the fact that her time on earth, all of our times on earth, are MEANT to be temporary. They are just the BEGINNING of a beyond-comprehension, beautiful treasure of life after death that we have to look forward to. Mrs. McShane has that, and I want to rejoice with her and for her. Her time on earth was a beautiful one because she impacted so many people with her selfless faith and her willingness to serve. i know that were she alive and here right now, she'd tell me to go do my chemistry homework and not whine about not being able to go to her funeral. I know she'd be cheering for me. So even though I'm on the sidelines 600 miles away, I'll be cheering with everyone else for how wonderful her life was, and just how much she meant to us. Mrs. McShane, rest in peace, I love you so much!

Life is beautiful and good today. The sun is bright and clean, the air feels cool and silky on my face and the day is mine to capture, cherish, and live.

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