Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Just can't enough

Ohhh goodness goodness!
I have been going going going all day long!! All week long really. Sunday night was practically sleepless due to me putting off writing a paper, then proceeding to get writer's block of hours. I loove it. Monday was dumbday. I didn't get to go to the gym and I was hopelessly sleepyface, but it ended beautifully with me and Jaime having a library session. It was real. Today was just aalskjdlk insannnity. Tuesdays are kinda brutal. I have Psychology, which is my chill-out, entertaining class, thennnnn I have A&P [which we have a quiz in every single class] and my A&P lab, which also gives a quiz every week, along with us having to turn in our lab reports. So tuesdays always feel stressful and too rushed. But today, I decided that even though I felt outta control crazy, I was going to laugh in Tuesday's face and take it by surprise. Bwahahaha. Let me fill you in. Tuesdays are stressful, but they are always rewarding, because on wednesdays, I have no classes. So if I make it through my class from 9-3, work from 4-6 schedule on tuesdays alive, I feel great after. My glitch this tuesday was that after work I'm going straiight to pentagon city to meet Emily so we can have a girls night! So the only prollem was that I wasn't gonna have time to run. This may seem like a small, ityybitty nothing, but I am on a fantastic streak of gymming, and since I didn't get to go yesterday, I was determined to go today. So heeeere's the good part. After my lab ended at 3 o'clock, I suddenly felt the need to take control of my day and not let it get the best of me, so I raced to my dorm, got on my workout clothes, went to the gym, ran a really fast 1.5 miles, did some abs and arms, ran back to my dorm, showered, got ready, and was at work looking moderately presentable by 4 o'clock. BAAAAAM. That was a really roundabout way of saying TAKE THAT, Tuesday.

So guess what? I, with all of my heart, want to try and go to World Youth Day this summer. It's in Madrid, Spain, somewhere I have ALWAYS, always wanted to go. Valerie is in my same boat, and we really wanna go for it. AHHH. What a blessed, beautiful, incredible experience that would be!!!!!! Please, please pray that it works out!! We're gonna fund raise to the maxxxxxx.

Last night, it took me about 3 hours to fall asleep. I don't like that biznassss.

I have been craving beef jerkey like it's my job. Is that weird?

Chelsea is in the room next door. We are at work. She is data-entering, and I'm answering phones. Sigh. So close, yet so far away. I love you Chazzi!

I really wanna start writing poetry again. Like, reallyreally. I just never make time for it anymore, and I really have a love for it. I have been doing lots of newspaper crossword puzzles lately though... they're getting easier too! Hooray for random knowledge and good vocabulary!

My tummy just growled soooo loudly.

mmmmmm water is so underrated. It's so gooood.

I have no logical train of thought right now. I am soo mentally exhausted, I'm so glad today is over. I feel accomplished, happy, and absolutely tired. I'm so excited to see Emily tonight. She is just wonderful, so funny and smiley and happy. I'm glad she's my friend.

I wrote a letter to my mom during theology the other day. Win.
I think everyone should utilize the postal system to its full advantage. You better believe I'll be sending valentines to my friendgirls.

I haaaaaave to do laundry. Dangit.

I love my mother.

Okayyyyy ten things im grateful for today:

- I got to run! So addicted, loving thiss.
- I knew everything about epithelial tissue on my quizzes today.
- I got to work on time!
- I can hear Chazzi typing
- I get to see Emily tonight!
- I ate a delicious ice cream cone
- I made the executive decision NOT to buy the huge, ungodly expensive anatomy textbook, because my lab manual is the exact. same. thing.
- I get off work in 18 minutes.
- I saw a guy fixing the ATM machine in the lobby. THANK YOU.
- I hear an airplane. I love the sound of airplanes, they make me think of cerulean blue skies during falltime football tailgates.

I love love love the craziness of my life right now. I'm just letting it happen and not letting stuff frustrate me. Time is flying so fast, it's scary. Midterms are in a few weeks and I feel like I just started classes again. Unreal.
But I love everything about this life right now. Give me papers to write and nights that are sleepless and aching runs and core-burning crunches and bad dining hall food and ridiculous nights and letters in my mailbox and dried hot chocolate stuck to the rim of my teal, goodwill-bought mug that I forgot to wash. I love it all, every second. Fill me up, life, I can't get enoughhh.

Happy end-of-Tuesday!!

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