Sunday, February 13, 2011

Summertime on my mind.

Summertime is on my mind. I went running outside yesterday and I just got a flood of "i want summertime back"-ness. Don't get me wrong-- it was a GORGEOUS day and I had a really good run, but I missed being warm. I hate when my body can't decide if it wants to be hot or cold when Im running. I hate when the back of my neck is freeezing because of the wind. I miss the burning of the sun on my face and the fact that the sweat dripping down my temples actually cooled me off instead of making me freeze. I those long runs in the afternoon when it's so hot that the sweat on your face is tangibly salty. That actually sounds so gross. I think you have to run to understand. I wanna run around in bare feet and put on my ankle bracelets again and have freckles on my nose again. I miss having freckles all the time.

Im writing a paper of theology right now on the issue of justifying suffering in the world while a good God exists. The prollem is that our professor doesnt want any of our original ideas. She just wants us to outline other theologians arguments. LAME. I feel like I can't fill 4 pages by summarizing. I miss originality. I feel like Ive written like 8 papers on this topic before and ive thought about it so much, I'm kind of bursting with things to say about this. Bah humbug. Maybe ill write a book. A very ADD book that will probably have a table of contents that looks like this:

1. Why does God allow people to suffer?
2. How to make the best ti-dye
3. Running actually IS psychological
4. I didn't sleep but I feel great
5. I could probably survive in the wilderness with nothing but matches, chapstick and toilet paper. [and beef jerkey if you're feeling like a gem and wanna gimme some]
6. I'm a college student and I have a bookshelf devoted to coloring books.
7. Deep awesome conversations that make my life worth living.

It would be an enlightening read.

WOO im so excited. So im sitting in the commuter's lounge near the bottom lobby of my building and there's a piano in here and there was a choir rehearsal, and I was like ohh man, i mss singing! So muchhh. So after they were done doing their thing, I went up to the director and was like "oh heyyy, if you're lookin for another alto, I'd be really interested!" And she was like "uhhh yes!" and basically threw me a binder of music. Im so happy!! I missed choir soo so much. That just made my day. Yayy. Okay, new thing to be excited about. Imma go kill this paper. Prolly not sleep. Do summore homework, then fly through my monday with a smile.
to infinity.

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