Sunday, February 6, 2011

Happy Birthday, Becca!!

I'm listening to "Motorcycle Driveby" by Third Eye Blind. It's a ridiculously poetic and meaningful song. Careening through the universe. Isn't that a cool idea? I think so. Careening, according to webster means "to lean, sway, or tip to one side while in motion." I don't think anyone can stay upright if they're careening through the universe. It gives me an image of blurred sidelines, you're racing towards an end that isn't quite visible yet, but it's there. The pace of life, sprinting towards this end is an impossible rush. Careening through my universe. It may be blurry and scary, I'm on a tilt, but I'm smiling. The sun can blaze in my eyes right now, I wouldn't mind. Today, my smile is as indestructible as the sky. So, so alive today.

I went to the McNichol's house last night for my sister Becca's birthday party. I am sooo so happy I got to go. It was the best night Ive had in a really long time. I got there at like 6:45 and from then until 2am, we were eating, drinking, smoking, and talking, jamming on guitars and having the best time. ever. I really love Becca. She's someone who I've taken a really long time to know, which sounds weird because she's my sister, but for all of my high school years and adult life, we've never lived together, so I never really got the chance to KNOW her. Living here in DC brought me a lot closer to her, and lemme tell you, she is one of the most astounding people I know. She's turning 24 on Wednesday. So here are 24 things that I love/respect about Miss Rebecca Mary Joan Badass Feeks. [Sorry if my language is offensive, but the person who is Becca Feeks deems it necessary, it's so true.]

- Becca plays guitar. She plays it ridiculously well. Like... holy COW she's so cool.
- Becca Feeks loves more selflessly than anyone I know. She invests herself and her heart in her relationships. She lets her friends and conversations and experiences seep into her personhood and shape her. That's courageous, that's selfless love-- to open yourself up so much that others' words and actions stay with you and affect you, and in return you share yourself with others.
- Becca can drive a manual car with no power steering. Boss.
- Becca Feeks can sing, whether she advertises it or not.
- Becca never wants to be the center of attention, instead she is concerned for what other people need or want, she never wants to be fussed over. Simply because she doesn't want to ever be a nuisance.
- Becca has impeccable music taste.
- Becca is sophisticated when it comes to drinking alcohol.
- Rebecca is one of the smartest people I know. She decides she wants to be well read and educated, so she takes the initiative to read and discuss stuff. She lets what she learns affect her mind and heart. That's so cool.
- Rebecca has a fierce trust in the Lord. She's steadfast-- even when she's sad, lonely, frustrated, fed-up, she maintains her trust. God is her man, through and through. That takes so much courage.
- Becca always looks pretty.
- Becca has a dazzling personality and a phenomenal sense of humor.
- She genuinely liked my birthday gift to her-- beef jerkey, twizlers, and cigarettes. She's my hero.
- She thrives under pressure.
- She is a fantastic cook.
- Becca is an absolutely brilliant writer.
- She bought me plane tix to go home for thanksgiving. :O
- She's on fire for life.
- She takes her own advice, ive never had a better example, she's such a role model for me.
- She is 100000% genuine.
- She has an impressive vocabulary.
- She's really good at doing donuts in the car.
- She drives me places and buys me food and makes me happy when my life goes awry.
- She's a talented athlete-- if it wasn't for her, I would have probably never been a goalie.
- She perseveres, though everything.
- She runs remarkably well on little to no sleep.
- She taught me that it's okay to not have everything always figured out.
- She's overcome more challenges than prolly you and me combined. From high school relationships to switching colleges to job hunting and everything in between, she has turned out to be nothing but an amazing, sophisticated, completely beautiful daughter of God and a wonderful sister.

I'm so blessed to have you in my life, happy birthday, beccaba.

Its superbowl day!!!!
i have to do homework, take a shower, then its gametimmmmeee!!!
go packers... i guess.
bears, ya let me down.

anyway, its been a fantastic weekend, I love my life, everything about it. Can't get me down right now, I'm miles high on life.

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