Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Every crack in the sidewalk is an opportunity for a dandelion to pop up.

Sometimes it baffles me on days like today, when the sky is grey and dreary and everywhere is soggy and snow-sopped, when you get 4 hours of sleep and are on your second cup of bad coffee, i can still be smiling. I was walking to work today and someone had wrote on the sidewalk "pay it forward." I smiled. That's so cool that someone would just do that, with sidewalk chalk. I want sidewalk chalk! It felt like the world gave me a little hug. I wanted to smile at the next stranger who walked by, just so they'd smile at the next person who walked by them. Pay it forward is such a cool thing. What goes around comes around, people.

It's crazy how God works sometimes. He puts people in your life who mirror your own struggles and thoughts in life and by interacting with them, you begin to examine yourself. I've had a lot of that lately. I can think of at least three people/instances where I've kind of been blown off my feet and left, figuratively, sitting on the ground, looking at my shoes, peeling apart different aspects of myself and trying to understand them. Being able to have people who can actually RELATE to you and your mentality and experiences is, I think, a really rare thing. It's beautiful too. I'm so grateful to have people in my life who I can open up to and who can open up to me as well. Reality check alllll over the place. It's good for me.

It was in the mid 70s on friday, and last night, it rained ice. WHADDAHECK?

So last night, I was up doing three lab reports that were due today. It was about 1:45am and I still had a ways to go and I was SO tired. I hadn't had caffeine that day and I had a killer headache and I was feeling really pleh. So I decided to get a soda from the vending machine. I never drink soda, I don't even like it that much. But in my desperation, I ventured to the vending machine with my $1.50 to get one. I tried putting my dollar in the machine and it wouldn't go. I was upset. Then I counted up my change and I was 15 cents short of a buck fifty. That was cool. Then I went to another vending machine and tada! It took my dollar! Then I started putting my change in. It didn't take my change. WAHH. So then I pushed the change return button and got my dollar back IN NICKELS. That was cool. Then I proceeded to the first vending machine I tried and, wouldn't ya know it, it wouldn't take change either. That put a big fat grin on my face. I was determined to overcome this conquest to find a working vending machine, I worked too hard to stop now. Soooo I had to go up two floors and hunt down a vending machine in one of the dorm halls. I got weird looks for paying $1.50 in nickels for my diet dr. pepper. I liked it.
And me and my homework lived happily ever after alongside the stupid, stupid not even that yummy dr. pepper.

I love talking to my mommy on the phone when I'm sitting outside on gloomy days.

I think Emily Robinson is the bomb dot com. Why do you ask?
Beeeecause she is an astounding multi-tasker while driving [don't try it at home.]
And she have a dazzling sense of humor. [She laughs with me at old people stumbling on the metro]She pulls off everything she wears. [Yes, Em, even your party glasses.]And she's pretty much just the most beautiful, sparkly, amazing friend ever. I love you, Lemmy.

I love baby Jaime. Every inch of that cute little Indian girl is nothing but a bundle of joy. [For those of you who don't know, Baby Jaime is actually my 19 year old classmate, we just call her baby Jaime because she's fun sized] Tuesdays are my all-day-with-Jaime days. I love laughing with her at our raaandom psychology videos and at our crazy anatomy professor and dissecting our Infamous p.i.g. with her. She's great. I love Jaime.

Emily Dober is the stiletto to my high heels, the -izza to my pizza. I lufff her. And her many faces.

Hey, Chelsea? Spanks for calling me today :) And I'm sorry I bailed on our study date last night, I'm a baaad boyfriend.

VALERIE, let's run away and build a treehouse and always be barefoot and sit on porch swings eating party pops till we have popsicle smiles and talk about life and its crazyness and how we love every second of it. I wish you were here.

I hung out with Dillon on Sunday!!! Such a good catch up time, I missed him. We went to Chevys and I ate his shrimp and we swapped ridiculous stories and met a just-turned-18-so-i'm-really-excited-to-offer-people-lighters-because-i-can-smoke-legally-now guy on the street. Apparently the only words in his vocabulary were "um, I mean.."
It was funny.
Dillon told him that he was a husky breeder and that he was born and raised in Ohio but aspires to move to North Dakota because, in North Dakota, huskies are abundant.
It was a good day.

I also hung out with Becca this past weekend! That was so fun, I love Beccatime. We laughed and talked and played trivial pursuit and I was baffled by her inside jokes with her friends. It was a good night.

I'm at work right now, and about 2 minutes ago, literally every phone in the room was ringing and I was the only on in here, so I felt like I was in one of those old-time tv shows where they showed the one person like tangled in phone cords and telling like 6 people to hold and is talking on two phones at once. That was mee.

I love having friends abundant.

Sometimes I want to write poetry SO bad, but I have nothing to write ABOUT. I just get random strings of words in my head that sound incredible, but I forget to write them down. It makes me sad. But hey, maybe I'll write a poem today.

When the day is done, I'm going to kick up my feet, clad in fuzzy slippers of course, wear comfy, unflattering clothes, hunt down some chocolate milk, and smile. Because today is new, every minute is a new one to be the freshest, cleanest, brand-newest you you can be. Maybe that should be my challenge. I want to be new every minute, take what I see and use it, all of it, to be the best I can be. Frustrations are part of it. I'm not going to be skippity, happy-go-lucky every second of my life, that's just kinda gross. But I can choose to take my struggles with inward joy because I know that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Every pothole you run over is just a reminder to get new struts, yeah? I think so.
Every crack in the sidewalk is an opportunity for a dandelion to pop up.
I think that I'll make that my post title.
Happy Tuesday, everyone.

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