Friday, February 25, 2011

Blustery Day

it's finally friday!!!!! freedom friday.

i feel deep today. is that weird? I just want to write intelligent poetry and read big books and write notes in the margins and have philosophical conversations. Yeah, okay definitely weird.

I had a funfetti cupcake for breakfast. Valerie Carnevale's middle name should be "im-the-most-amazing-person-ever-because-i-do-stuff-that-makes-mary's-life-on-a-daily-basis." She mailed me an ADORABLE, construction paper-covered package containing HOMEMADE funfetti cupcakes, BEEF JERKEY [she's my hero], fruit snacks and a whole buncha love. I don't deserve her. You know, I have the best conversations with her. I always have epiphanies about life when we talk. It's pretty cool. I kiiinda dig it.

It's a blustery, winnie-the-pooh kind of day outside. The sun is toootally playing hard to get and its SO windy. I don't even have to try and whip my hair back and forth with this business going on outside, it does it by itself.

I felt like mixing it up today, so I put half and half in my coffee.
Is it pathetic that that's my idea of mixing it up? Golly.

Anatomy & Physiology miight just be the death of me someday.

Emily Robinson is the bomb. She drew me a picture. With colored pencils. And wrote me a note. Emily writes her notes in cursive... she is SO rad. I don't even think I remember how to write in cursive. I like her, soo much.

Ooo the sun is setting right now, and it's peeking through the clouds and its making a gorgeous orange-pink glow on the roof of a building out my window. I have a thing for sunsets. It's prolly my favorite time of day, just because there is absolutely nothing better to do in my mind than to just sit and LOOK at it until it sets all the way. Ever notice how fast the sun goes down? The sky changes like every second, it's pretty nifty.
That's something I like about myself, I think. I'm good at noticing stuff and appreciating it. Especially when it comes to nature. Like, I'm completely happy to just SIT outside and do nothing but feel the sun or watch the stars. Easy to please, so grateful for the earth im on. Life is pretty sweet, we get so many freebies. STARS? I mean, come on. They're such a cool party favor.

I need to start documenting my life in photos. And printing them out and making scrapbooks. I want to freeze some of my memories these days and be able to go back to them later. Life is so good.

Im aching for summertime. I want warm wind and open windows and open roads and driving in the middle of nowhere and sitting on my roof looking at the stars between the trees and having midnight walks and mowing the lawn barefoot and then realizing it makes my feet green. I miss summer. I miss having a season that's devoted to chilling out. that's so awesome. sometimes i wish we lived in like, mexico or spain... they have a like 3 hour chunk in the middle of the day to SIESTA. that is so. awesome.

Imma go have a Mary siesta. Today, im deciding life should be free & easy.
Letting go.

Happy weekend.

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