Tuesday, November 2, 2010

You pick a title.

I felt sicker than sick when I went to bed last night. My stomach hurt, like someone was punching me and my head ached like nobody's business. I woke up at 8:20 to shower. I couldn't even open my eyes all the way for like a half hour after I woke up. I was one of those days. One of those days when you try and "put on" the pen that's in your hand instead of the chapstick in your other one. One of those days that no matter how hard you try, it feels like you're moving in really slow motion. One of those days that food doesnt even taste yummy no matter how good it looks or how hungry you feel.

Today dragged, I struggled. But hey, guess what?

I KILLED my sociology exam, I got through my philosophy class alive, and my English research proposal isn't due for another two weeks. Back To December is such a good song, and I've been singing it all day, even though I only know about seven words to it. I successfully conquered manning the front desk at work today for the first time. I drank tea today instead of coffee. I still like coffee better, but high fives to myself for opting for a healthier alternative for a day. I took about a 26 minute nap today... some sleep is better than none, and I was happy about it. I have awesome friends who want me to eat dinner with them in the cafeteria and go swing dancing and get chipotle and hang out.

Valerie Carnevale makes my heart sing, Ya wanna know why? She is fearless and 1000% dedicated in every stinking thing she decides to do. She makes awesome lists with her awesome handwriting and does everything on her lists awesomely. Know the best part? Half the time, she doesn't even realize how awesome she is. I think that is the sign of a TRUE awesome person. So heyguesswhat Val? You actually are a rockstar way more often than you know, and you make my sky sunny all the time.

Jake Maz, I love all your spelling errors.

I had hot chocolate when I walked out of the dining hall tonight, I put spanking new sheets on my bed and I'm about to do laundry and maybe even take a nappy and catch up on some homework. Thank the lord for no classes tomorrow, even though I have a million things to do.

I am so grateful for dayquil and water and socks today. It's cold outside, but there are still flowers and fall leaves. I'm sniffly, but someone cool invented nasal decongestant. God invented water, so props big guy, I'm not dehydrated, and I'm ALIVE. Wow, Mary, stop complaining, you're alive and breathing and strong and one of the luckiest people on the planet. I can't waste this day, it's perfect. Each day is perfect, simply because it exists. Cool.

I'm talking to my little brother William on the phone right now and it's making my life. He is beyonddd precious. I miss him so much.

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