Thursday, November 11, 2010

17 reasons why I should love TODAY, specifically.

1. I had an 8am class today, and I set my alarm for 7:30. My phone died while i was sleeping, but I still magically woke up at 7:54. I was only about 6 minutes late for class.

2. I was waiting all by my lonesome for Brenna so I wouldn't have to walk into the cafeteria by myself today, and then Caroline rescued me.

3. It's a STUNNINGLY perfect day outside. Treesharp, whistleclear, cookie-cutter sky perfect.

4. Ashaunte giggled incessantly at Dave Chapelle while her headphones were in. I sat here and laughed because she was laughing really loud and didnt realize it. I love Ashaunte's laugh, its so funny.

5. I get to go on a ruun in the beautiful sunshine with my beautiful shoes.

6. I will have a clean room at some point.

7. I feel free, I'm deciding to be freemary today.

8. I only work for two hours and I'm done by four.

9. It's Thursday. I love Thursdays.

10. I got so many hellos today.

11. I finished my schedule for next semester! Officially all registered.

12. I saw Emily today. I don't see her enough. Emily is the best, she reminds me of daisies.

13. Ashaunte gave me spur of the moment life advice in her cute little Ashaunte voice.

14. I talked metaphors with Valerie and she said I rocked. Like Plymouth. Plymouth Rock is how much she thinks I rock. YESSSSS.

15. I'm not going to be late to work today, and my shift's in ten minutes.

16. My window's open.

17. I'm livingbreathingawakesmilingsoldieringthroughnotbeingstressedoutawesome.

time to go to work! More later.

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