Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I hope you looked at the sky today.

Being Valerie's friend is like knowing you're coming home to homemade chocolate chip cookies. Homemade chocolate chip cookies just ALWAYS fix stuff. The thought of chocolate chip cookies puts a warm fuzzy smile in your heart because you just know how awesome they are. Know that feeling? Like, when you're tired and miserable and stressed out and there's so much going on and you just want to give up, you remember the cookies [Valerie]. Always dependable, always wonderful, constant, and joy-inspiring. Valerie, thanks for being the huuuuuuuuuuuge batch of friendship cookies that you are.
that made a lot more sense in my head.
moving on.

I had lunch with Becca today! She looks so professional in her professional looking pencil skirt and oxford and her professionally worn peep-toe heels whose soles are falling off. I love her. I love her a lot. Becca, thank you for the Quiznos and deep conversation.

My room is a bigfat mess. But it's not like an explosive mess, it's a subtle, contained mess. Its the kind of mess where stuff is just put in the wayyyyy wrong places, so you can't ever find anyyyything, even if it looks moderately cleaned up. I have too many papers in too many folders with not enough space to put the folders, so the folders end up stacked next to the library books that are already stacked next to my computer under my lamp, but now the stack is so high that the light is being obscured, and i CAN'T WORK WITH OBSCURE LIGHTING. Sorry. I had to vent.
moving on.

I didn't run today. I didn't have time. It made me sad. So I may hit the gym tonight, as much as I hatehatehatehatehate treadmills. We shall see. I went to zumba on Monday and OH my gosh. So fun. I'm going back every time now. It's like hiphop dancing meets salsa and all other kinds of crazy. You definitely have to move those hips. I'm not gonna lie, some of those moves just AREN'T going to happen. Because it is physically impossible for a girl this white to move like that.

I'm hungry, six o'clock needs to come faster. Wednesday works days feel like they last forever because my shift is 3-6, but it gets dark at like 5 so it feels like I'm here for wayyy longer than I am. blah.

I think people should pray more.
I think I should probably pray more.
The sky was almost electric today. I was waiting for a shuttle and looked up, and there was a treebranch with bright yellow leaves on it, and against the bluuuuuuuuuuue sky, they looked incredible. How can colors be that cool? God loves us, we could be living in a world of black and white, but he chose to give us electric blue and yellow November mornings that are almost too warm for the cardigan you chose to wear.
I think backpacks are fantastic inventions.
Don't you love people watching? I could ride the metro for hours, people are hilarious and weird and fascinating.
I love hugs. so much.
I missed my friends so much today.

I also really missed home today. I thought about the fact that I'm not trying to get out of raking the leaves or driving carpools in my 13 passenger van, and it made me sad. I get to see my dad in two days!!! When I found out he was coming to town, I think I teared up a little, I miss him so much. It's hard to think about the fact that I haven't seen my dad since August. Or my little brothers. Or Annie. That's too much time. Thanksgiving, come faster.

Chelsea Ritter makes me smile because she always comes up and scares me when I'm doing homework outside at a picnic table. She's so pretty, and she never wears makeup and I'm kinda a lot jealous of her unfettered confidence. She's a blue-eyed, blonde haired, fellow-sweatpant-wearing lifelover. And I love her. a lot.

I love when friends call me.

Calla Marie Couch, I miss your beautiful face, and I think about you a lot.

I bumped my elbow, and it hurts reeeeeal bad.

I'd love a hammock. Today was SUCH a hammock day. Gosh. Ah, i love hammocks.

Tengo hambre! Twenty minutes. Hasta Luego :)

1 comment:

  1. cant believe you told the world about my shoes (which i still have not fixed)
