Sunday, November 7, 2010

Don't you wish you still read stories like Runaway Bunny or Raggetty Ann & Andy? I do.

I like Sundays because they're unimposing. Nothing about Sunday says you HAVE to do anything. You can laze around all day and watch the sun beat through your curtains, and it wouldn't even matter. I did that for a while this morning. I didn't want to wake up all the way, so I woke up halfway, and I halfway appreciated the sunshine peering through the seams in my curtains, while the other half of me was secretly loathing daylight savings time. Being only halfway awake made me less irate about it though.

Have you ever thought about why people think it's necessary to alllllllways wear shoes? I mean, think about it, we were not born with shoes on our feet. Lil babies look like they have froggy toes because they've never been crammed inside of a shoes, whereas we all have funny, stairstep looking toes from being laced up in bunny-eared sneakers and high heels. Dislike. WWCMD? What Would CaveMen Do? Prolly NOT wear shoes.

I went to church at 7:00 pm with my pretty friend Jaime D'Souza. Jaime is my mass buddy. And I like it.

Sometimes, I watch clouds.
I successfully made hot chocolate without getting up from my chair tonight. I don't know if this is a good or an evil.
I dislike group projects very, very much.
I made a new friend yesterday.
Chelsea Jaime and I have bonding time over Cocoa puffs and facebook.
Valerie Carnevale is the Charlie to my Brown.
porches are totally rad.
why can I see my breathe when i go outside? fix it, weatherman.

I love classical music. I have so many classical pandora stations. Vivaldi is the greatest studybuddy EVER.

My eyes are tired.
I went on a collllllllllld run on Sautrday, but it was adventurous and beautiful anyway. I re-uinited with Pollard Street. We're becoming friends, me and Pollard Street.
my room is too messy. It makes my thoughts feel messy and jumbled too. I should clean.
I love Ashaunte. She is adorable.
Water is such a magical invention. Thanks, God.
I like my turquoise thrift store mug.

I like life so much, so much of the time. For that, I am grateful.
I'm going to go take a shower, brush my teeth with my spanking new 99-cent CVS toothbrush, and put on man sweatpants and read a book. Yep. I am going to read a book for fun. Because I miss it. Wait for me Dostoevsky short stories, I'm only a shower away! Runaway Bunny is tomorrow's bedtime story.

Goodnight moon.

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