Friday, November 5, 2010

I'm sure it's sunny somewhere.

So somehow I feel like when you have a night when the wireless in your dorm room doesn't exist and you need to go to your floor lobby to get any internet bars, and then Daniel Townsend gives you chocolate chip cookie dough and then Liz Schmit invites you to hang out and Ashley brings a dog into Liz's dorm and we try on masks and post obnoxious videos on people's facebook walls and you make easymac for your friends at 2 in the morning and you're up for your 9:30am , the rest of your day is going to automatically be stupendous. It's pretty stupendous so far, I'd say.

I just spent an hour in Chelsea's room. We had a nerd sesh and looked at all of my hidden poetry that I never show anyone. Chelsea makes my life. She's one of the most genuine, down to earth, honest, fun-loving, hilarious, beauuuutiful girls I have ever met. Without fail, I am allllways laughing when I'm with her. Or we're having really deep conversations. I love me some Chazzi. That's her name. Chazzi. I'm on the phone with you right now, Chelsea, and you, hero of mine, just showed up an hour and eighteen minutes early for your communications class on accident. I kinda love you.

Jaime, I love that you shared your scone with me in philosophy today. I think you're amazingly fantastic. How can so much Jaime be in sucha little baby teenytiny body? I like it when you rap and try to find ways to make "Feeks" rhyme with stuff. I appreciate your music tastes. I liked your hair today.

I need to go help Katrina open her mailbox. Everybody, I have MASTERED how to open my combination lock. Do you even know how long it took me and how much of a pain it's been to deal with not being able to open combo locks for nineteen years? It's actually a big deal that I can open them now. I feel like I should get a medal. Or a sticker. Gold star.

Hey Becca? Sister of mine? You prolly won't read this. But I love you. Let's go out to lunch tomorrow and talk about deep things. I think you'd be proud to know that I'm incorporating the Brothers Karamazov into my Honors research paper about the problem of suffering. It's going to be spiff.


Happy Friday, I hope it's sunny where you are, cause it's not really here. And it should at least be sunny somewhere.

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