Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Should I do this every day? I think so.

Wow sooo today... I had a revelation. IMSOGRATEFUL. For sooo many things. like... think about HOW MUCH you have. For real. Right now, stop. THINK. That's one thing, you can think. About ANYTHING. That is the coolest ability ever! You are 100% youuu in your head and in your heart, and NO ONE can take that away from you. But back to the main point, today on my ridiculously hot, hard run I thought. A lot. And I discovered some things I'm grateful for.
--Sunshine! Escaping the dorm/classrooms and just being outside.
--My fan. It saves my life, i love it.
--Clean socks!
--Crayons. And coloring books. Because yes, I did spend about 30 minutes by myself coloring last night.
--Skype! I love having ways to stay connected to my friends.
--FRIENDS. Oh my gosh this is a big one. I have found so many people lately who are soooo rad, and they think I'M rad, and I can't get over it! I have so many friends and it makes me SO happy! I can't believe how much God has blessed me lately with so many conversations and faces and amazing people!
--The McNichol's back porch, youtube, and Becca Feeks.
--RUNNING. So much happiness, so much freedom.
--Having a cell phone. Because I cannot imagine trying to maneuver my life without one right now.
--Letters! I love writing them and I love getting them! Letter writing is a lost art, people. Seriously, take advantage of the postal system, it is soo rad.
--Flip flops. People may judge me, but I wear them 24/7. And if I lost them, I'd die.
--Libraries. They are soooo helpful when used properly :)
--Friends who have actually had labs in high school and know what the heck a bunson burner does.
--$.99 gallons of spring water from cvs.
--Public transportation!
--water coolers
--waffle irons
--duct tape. It can be used for sooooo many things! i.e. lint roller.

I am sooooooooooooooooooo hungry. I am at work, I have been here since 3:00, and I have approximately 14 minutes left o the clock. I didn't have lunch because I was on run then realized that oh yeah showering after a run is definitely what i need to do, soooo when all was said and done, I had no time to eat. boooo. I'm so excited for dinner!
My run today was a beautiful thing. I woke up, felt inspired, I have no idea how long my run was but it was difficult and hot. I was exhausted afterward. You know that deep ache after you've pushed through a really hard workout and you can just feel yourself getting stronger even though you feel weak? Yeah. I love that. Pain is weakness leaving the body! I cannnooot wait to get new running shoes though. Mine have seen better days, and it is time to give them a proper burial. I'm kind of emotionally attached to the shoes i have now because they were my first pair of running shoes that I had when i got obsessed with running. I've run soooo many miles in those sneakers.
I love to sing so much and I'm preetyyyyy sure I annoy everyone I'm around all the time because there is allllways a song in my head.
If you could have a movie about your life, what songs would be on the soundtrack? Such a legit question, think about it.
TEN MINUTES. The countdown has begun. I'm so excited.
PEACE [one day late]

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