Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Ever have it when you're completely energetic and normal, then as soon as you sit down to do anything whether it's homework or facebook, you feel like your face smacks a wall of sleepy? I am SO tired, I'm falling asleep in this chair, and it's not comfy. I;m in the library trying to write a paper, and I keep dozing in the middle of my sentences. Inconvenient.
wow this is going to be random.

Fairies can be purple or blue
they spit gold in your face and tell you it glitters
but what do you say?
Mud bathed beauty is no less appealing
in fact it takes the strong to uncover its wealth.
Hands, be sturdy, no shaking, no hesitation
Breath, be easy, be measured, free yourself
Mind, be unaffected by fairy-lit apologies and
grotesquely brown sugared spitballs.
I'll let my heart draw the lines and my feet fill in the empty curves between,
I'll learn barefoot, stuck, awake, in quick sand, swallowed, uncomfortable,
but real.

hahahahha NERDNERDNERD. this is mary in stress-out mode. I think that poem was about not letting things like popularity, fake personalities, or the "easy way out," replace what it means to actually learn. Learning is not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be dirty, muddy, uncomfortable and humbling. Take off your shoes, throw away worries about others judging you and FREE yourself to learn. Learn to be yourself in front of others, learn how to learn in the classroom, learn how to live by living.
this probably makes noooooooooo sense because i sound like I'm trying to rewrite the proverbs. I just need caffeine like nooobody's business. not excited for my chem 8am. BAH. life, keep rocking and ill stop complaining.
crazy love, even though Im grumpy.

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