Thursday, January 6, 2011


My mom is so great. I am so lucky. She took me and my sister to chipotle last night and bought us dinner, then we went to Kildare's bar/restaurant and got drinks and hung out. She's just so much fun. I miss her all the time when I'm at school. Last night when we got home, she and I sat in my living room making fun of the things people were wearing on the People's Choice Awards, admiring Johnny Depp, and good timing to Frasier. Can't beat hang out time with Bridgey. I love her sooooo much.

I woke up and it was snowing! I was kind of excited. It hasn't really snowed since I've been in town and it didn't really feel like South Bend. Now it does :) I've been realizing more and more lately how much I really do love Indiana, despite its lack of liveliness. I went on a run yesterday, and there's this mile-long road called Filbert Rd. It's completely straight, one mile down all the way. I make it part of my route sometimes because it's a nice calculation and an easy down-and-back 2 miles to add to my run. Yesterday I was almost all the way back on Filbert when I saw a path to my left. The street is pretty woods-y but there was a break in the trees and just a long, straight, pretty wide path that looked like it went kinda far so I decided to adventure down it. I'm so glad I did! It may have added a lil bit of distance to my already owwy run, but it was so fun! I thought I was lost for a few minutes because it dumped me out behind some apartment buildings, haha. I was kinda confused, but I just kept running till I found a main road. it was adventurous and fun. I found sand. SAND. In wintertime? Oh construction sites :]

I like crystal light lemonade. It's addictive.
I like fat snow flakes.
I like men's $5 plaid pajama pants from walmart. Like the ones I'm wearing.
I like that we don't take our Christmas tree down until like a month after Christmas. It is sooooo jolly :]

I have many much owwies on my feet from runnin.

On the other hand, I am wearing possibly the best pair of socks known to man. or woman, whichever you prefer. They are PURPOSELY unmatched. WHAT. just look.

i know. i know.

Anywayyy, I'm going to go make soup. Because I think it's a soup day.
To do list:
make soup
drink more water
buy laundry detergent
go running
hug my mother
get stamps

It's a good day. I love my life lots and lots. Like tater tots! Except I really don't like tater tots all that much, I just said that because it rhymed. Buuuuut it works.
I miss Chelsea. She likes tater tots.


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