Friday, January 14, 2011

All my lovin'

The Beatles are so cool. When in doubt, no matter the mood, if you can't find the right thing to listen to, I'm pretty sure the Beatles have it covered. And I know it's cheating a little bit, but the Across the Universe soundtrack is BOMB, and some of the covers on the album are sooooooo good.

I'm in a great mood. I just got back from one of the most excruciating runs of my life! It's a lil bit.. well a lottabit cold outside, but I really just wanted to GO, somewhere, by myself to be alone with me and my thoughts and just brush off the stress of the first-week-of-school business, so I made the executive decision to laugh in the gym's FACE and run outside. Take THAT, treadmills. Mwahaha. It's so much better running outside. You actually go somewhere, ya know? You feel more accomplished, and you can people watch too! I saw sooo many old women walking their dogs. Have you ever noticed that old ladies who walk their dogs often times RESEMBLE their pets? Its so true, notice next time. You also encounter social bystanders on runs. People getting in their cars, pushing strollers, feeding birds or what have you, who talk to you. I encountered an old man today who said, "Keep on runnin, guuurly!!" And when I say old, he was probably only like 60, but I'm pretty sure he was probably meaning to be flirtatious by the comment he made, which automatically makes him an old creeper BUT his comment was actually helpful, considering I was like half dead and 'bout ready to start walking. Partly for fear that he was creepin' and partly encouraged, you bet I kept running.

I adamantly enjoy anatomy & physiology. It is SO interesting. I'm like, soaking up what we're learning like a sponge. It's sooooo cool. All the cell structures and body sections and cavities and whatnot. I love it all. Nerd? Yuhhh.

Fun fact of the day: I'm pretty sure my Lit professor once roamed with the dinosaurs.

I have a bruise on my shin. How did it get there?
I think I'm addicted to online crosswords. BUT the school is now giving away free newspapers, so yayyy I get to do trueblue newspaper crossword puzzles. This makes me so happy. I love words, they are pretty awesome. Think about it. 26 letters make up EVERYTHING YOU SAY. What? Craziness. Little stuff like that astounds me sometimes.

The sky looks like cotton candy right now. The sun is setting and its a melon-y orange color with pink tufty clouds. It look edible. I love outside...

I am so grateful for friends.
Really, I just have a bunch of KEEPERS. Alla them. Never underestimate the value of a good friend.

Lately I've felt the pinch of reality, I'm not little anymore, I'm an adult. I make important decisions, ones that dictate how the rest of my LIFE will pan out. Isn't that terrifying? No one is telling me to do my laundry or go to work or wash my dishes or go to bed. Obviously I have more important stuff to think about than those things, but even the little stuff gets me sometimes. I really am INDEPENDENT here, and sometimes it scares me. At the same time I feel this burning opportunity, the potential to be absolutely flourishing in this new, scary environment. This semester is bringing me a whole sky-full or opportunity. I will be so busy, reading reading reading and writing writing writing and memorizing for all my classes, but the challenge I think will awaken part of my that's kind of been trying to show face for some time now. The part that LOVES to learn and thrives with pressure and workload. I think I will manage my time better and absolutely fall in love with where I am if I "marry" myself to my situation a little more. In the very wise words of my infinity-friend Valerie, "We have so much to offer the world, SO much soul to give." How true it is. What an incredible, wholly awesome gift this is. This life. I don't want to waste it. I'm not going to waste it. I wanna soak it up, like a sponge. I'm going to give this life all my loving, because I know it will give me love back.

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