Wednesday, December 1, 2010

song of the day= lay me down by the dirty heads.

It's been far too long since I've had a good blog sesh.

Today, I went on a solo adventure. Let me preface my adventure by saying that last sunday afternoon in freezing cold South Bend Indiana, I was in the car and got a text. I opened my phone and the screen was blank. White. Like casper. Sooo I was like hm. That kinda sucks... I turned it off, took out the battery, etc etc. It improved somewhat. The background and everything showed up... upside down and backwards. Then it went white again. Suffice it to say, my phone bit the dust. Flying back here to DC and being on a college campus are both difficult without a phone. It's not making my day. Soooo I adventured to a full-service verizon store in Pentagon City today.
To get to Pentagon, you have to take the orange line metro to Rosslyn, then transfer to the blue line going towards Franconia/Springfield and get off at Pentagon City. I did it all by my lonesome. It made me feel like a big kid.
Once I got to the Pentagon City mall, I went to the verizon store and talked to a lady about replacing or fixing my phone. Well @#$%^&*(*&^%$@! my phone can't be fixed or replaced because its warranty expired, I'm not due for an upgrade, and I don't have insurance. Cool. Das awesome. I kinda had a mini pity party and ended up getting an ice cream cone at McDonalds. Do you know how great a McDonalds vanilla ice cream cone tastes when you're having a pity party about your phone being irresurrectable? It tastes awesome.

Jake Maz is serenading me over skype right now. Hi Jake. I love you. And your jam seshs.

I really, really appreciate whoever invented pockets. Think about it! Pockets are GENIUS. Whoever came up with them gets like eighty million candy canes. [If you didn't pick up that Mean Girls reference, just know that whoever invented pockets has a huuuge one-up on Glen Coco.]

If you haven't seen Harry Potter yet, SEE IT IN IMAX. It will rock your world.

It's sooooo blustery today! I feel like I'm in a Winnie the Pooh story. I liike it.


Chazzi is my hero because she eats lucky charms and pizza bread for dinner. Lindsay is my other hero because she mixes cocoa puffs and lucks charms and has coco charms. I'm beyond inspired.

I think it's hilarious when people shorten the word 'beverage' to 'bev.'

Dear finals week,
you are approaching rather rapidly. I am terrified of you.
Mary Christeta.

I have to go get ready for work.
BUT here's my grateful-for list today: it gets me through the worst of times.
study groups
friends friends friends friends!
valerie carnevale-- you are so good at encouraging me.


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