Wednesday, December 22, 2010

It's Christmastiiiime in South Bend, ring-a-liing.

I am currently eating a deliciously juicy orange while wrapping Christmas presents and drinking chocolate milk. I have discovered that I am really bad at gift wrapping. I used to be awesome at it, but I have clearly lost my touch. Sorry, family members. I should have used gift bags and tissue paper. This year may be the first year ever that I've gotten gifts for every sibling and parent. I feel so accomplished! I'm happy with what I got them too. Poor Annie may have to wait to get hers because I ordered it online and I don't know if it will ship in time. Weee shall see.
All my siblings are in this house right now!! We picked up Becca from the airport this morning and I'm sooo happy that we're all together. She brought home some homemade irish soda bread from the McNichols and iii'm excited.
One thing that really, really stinks about having no clothes is that I have none of my running clothes! Neither of my sisters run and my mom doesnt either, so I have no athletic gear whatsoever. That sounds like the most lame excuse not to work out, but I seriously don't know how to deal with it. What would a cave man do? I want my luggage baaaack!!!
I get to see Valerie and Matt tomorrow. I can't wait.
Katie Anne Havard is just the greatest. She came over last night out of the blue and we drank hot chocolate and talked about school and snow and how lame chemistry is. She's soooo awesome. I aspire to be as cool as her someday, but it prolly won't happen. She's just a natural rockstar.
Christmas is awesome. Jus' sayin.
I miss my college friends!!! So much.
But I love being home.
This is a super short post, but I'm blanking on what I wanna say right now. I will write more later :]

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