Sunday, December 19, 2010

grateful cont.

large, large hoodies
my mom
my sister annie
the invention of the telephone
school being DONE
my hair. it may be atrocious and crazy all the time, but it keeps me warm hahaha
red wine
this is more of a "be grateful of what you have when you have it"-- Amtrak lost ALL my luggage. I am currently missing almost my entire wardrobe of clothing. I don't know what I'll do if i don't get it back. So folks, be grateful of all your clothes, they could go missing one day!
jake maz because he writes awesome songs
real, big bowls of cereal with real, big spoons
christmas trees
little brothers
did i mention school being done?

life is a whirldwind right now. I cannot believe it's almost christmas. I'm halfway done with my first year of college. I have such a hard time wrapping my mind around that! I feel like i was juust in the car on the way to DC to move into my dorm. I feel like I've known everyone at school forever, and I miss them already! Time flies so fast.

I really want my luggage back.

ive been trying to figure out christmas gifts for people lately and ive discovered that Im really bad at giving gifts. I'm not creative at all! I dont know why this is. Maybe it's because I'm not picky about gifts? I usually like everything, so i just assume everyone will be just as accepting of random gifts... but im starting to realize that a lot of people actually go into christmas KNOWING what they want. I have hardly ever done that. I think it's weird. I mean, no offense to anyone, i hope all your hopes and dreams for a fairytale christmas come true haha. If you told me to sit under my christmas tree and plopped a mug of hot chocolate in my hands and told me that that was my christmas present, i prolly wouldn't mind. I don't need anything, i have life. and hot chocolate. and christmas trees. and home, and family, etc etc. yay.


i'm super sleepy. I can't get over this whole baggage thing. Im so, so worried that it's gone forever... gahhh. SO much is in that huge suitcase.
agh i can't worry right now. Im sleepin.
goodnight moon.

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