Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Today is December 15th. There are ten days until Christmas. During these ten days I am going to post lists of ways that I've been blessed, particularly this year. This year, 2010, has brought so much change and opportunity to learn and experience so many things. I've been taught a lot this year, I've had to grow up this year maybe more than any other year of my life so far. Lord, bless my mind, and keep it open to you. Help me never try to take too much control, because you have a life for me to live, and you won't let me be sad or lonely or miserable. Help me trust you with my life. I'm giving it all to you right now. Help these lists open my eyes to your amazing goodness.

I have an absolutely, incredibly amazing set of parents who love me SO much. They are always there for me and always supportive and wonderful. I am thankful for them every day, they are unbelievably good at what they do, being the best parents in the universe.

I have 5 wonderful, hilarious, beautiful siblings. Becca, Annie, John, Joe, and Will, I love you all soooo much and I can't wait for Christmas when we can all be under one roof together, it's been way too long.

I have a mind for loving people, which at times feels like an anchor on my heart because I can't fix everyone's problems, but ultimately I know that loving is a freedom. I am so glad I can see the world the way I do.

I have a very picky/guilty conscience, and it's the product of excellent parenthood, thank you mom and dad. You raised me so well.

I am so grateful to be a healthy person, to be able to run when I want to and be active and happy.

I could fill an entire book with how grateful I am for my friends, but I will simply say that each of you has shaped me, and continues to shape me into a better Mary. I am grateful for each of you every day, and I appreciate you so much.

I have successfully moved more than 600 miles away and lived 4 months of my life in a completely new place by myself at a school where I knew no one and I have survived. And made some completely irreplaceable friends.

I have mastered the art of using public transportation. For the most part.

I went to confession on Monday. Such a good decision, I feel so free to conquer finals week.

Rebecca Feeks and her mind and heart and awesomely enviable wit. And her appreciation for the necessity of things like beef jerky.

I see beauty in simple things. I think it's a gift.

Being able to express my thoughts in writing.

My high school education. It makes me feel smarter than a lot of college kids. I miss Humane letters.

Homemade meals. Kids, don't take them for granted, you are going to miss them SO much when you stop living at home.

I'll write more later, this list is going to keep on building until Christmas. My room is FREEZING and I need to shower and clean and start studying for my final on friday and I need to start packing. woohoo! Feliz Navidad temprano, amigos!

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