Monday, November 30, 2009


So for Thanksgiving, my family and I traveled to Jacksonville, Florida to be with my dad's side of th family. I twas an 18 hour car trip there but it was TOTALLY worth it. The first day we were there consisted of hanging iut by the hotel pool, surrounded by beautiful palm trees and crystal blue skies. It was amazing. My grandpa was turning 80 and so he had a huge party at his ritzy country club, at which he bought us all [the whole extended family] a beautifully delicious dinner. I have never eaten so well as I did on that trip. Coincidentally, I'm pretty sure I gained some love handles, but hey, that's what running is for :)
I'm pretty exhausted because I got back in town at 3:00am and I went to school today. YUCK. It wasn't fun. On the other hand, Christmas break is t-minus 3 weeks away and I CAN'T WAIT! It will be so fantastic.
I have to do homework now, as awful as that sounds. Hooray for Locke's Treatise on Government! NOT. I thought I was done reading Treatises [sp? haha] after I read Aquinas. I guess not. Oh well, reading makes you smarter :)
PS, I got accepted to IUPUI and Belarmine gave me a good scholarship!! Now everyone just needs to pray that I get the full ride that I applied for! I would DIE of happiness, that would be so wonderful. Oh I hope I hope I hope.
Tip your waitresses, they are under appreciated.

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