Tuesday, December 1, 2009


This is basically how I feel right now. Despite my oncoming cold, stomach ache and homework looming over my head, I have made the decision to be a sunny person for the remainder of school until Christmas break. 3 weeks is a long time to remain positive but I think I can do it... maybe possibly.
Today's reasons to keep smiling:
1) I have fantastic, amazing, wonderful friends who are hilarious and keep me sane
2) My family is awesome
3)Tomorrow is hump day which means it's almost thursday, which means its basically friday which is practically the weekend.
4) I only have one more scholarship application until I'm DONE.
5) I'm alive.
6) I went running today
7) I am alive.
8) I am loved.
9) I understand physics! [big deal, people]
10) .... wild card. I can't think of anything else right now.

This may not turn out so hot, but I'm trying right? I at least get some points for that.

[I'm definitely putting off a large amount of homework right now]
I am sucha happy kid because it was BEAUTIFULLY sunny today. I felt like such a little kid, but during lunch today i just sat on the sidewalk criss-cross applesauce and soaked up the sun. [well... as much as I could with a hoodie and pants on haha] Nevertheless, it was fabulous :)

Quote of the day:
"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." - Abraham Lincoln
[Let's hope he's right.]

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