Friday, November 6, 2009

Well since I haven't updated this in a while and I know you all are really tapping your feet, waiting to read another post... here I go wasting my time again. Soccer season is over, but it was soo much fun. We ended the season with a record of like... 13-5-1. Not too shabby for having lost like 5 seniors from last year. I was named the Most Valuable Player for the team, pretty cool since I'm the golaie, and I made first team all conference for the second year in a row. yay me! I feel somewhat accomplished. I will definitely miss high school soccer...
Last weekend was halloween, and I got to go to Indy to visit friends who I never ever get to see, which was fantastic and I had such a good time. i love all of them :)
This past school week was possibly the longest in my recent memory. I had a physics project that totally blew, but I did pretty well on it. Im kinda excited because this year, Im totally doing better in both physics and calculus than i did last year. What is that? I have no idea. Calc is really fun... but I still miss algebra. oh the good old eighth grade days....
I have to get up early in the morning because someone in my family decided to volunteer me to rake leaves at an old person's house. joyous truly. I can't complain that much because I am getting paid, and i have no money. Hooray for unconventional sources of random income!
I need sleep terribly.
Good night [not]readers.

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