Monday, April 18, 2011

It's all alright

Today was good. Really good.

It started out HORRIBLY. Absolutely horribly. I slept for about 3.5 hours last night, woke up 5 mins before I had to catch a bus, caught the bus with no makeup on and half asleep, went to class in said state, left class early in order to finish a paper that was due 2 hours later, and found out I had to restart it. But hey, it got better.

I spent the day with my lovely friend Jaime D'Souza. She's beautiful. She has long, wavy hair that's chocolate brown just like her eyes. She helps me make sense of life when I feel like I'm falling apart. Jaime and I laugh, a lot. She just makes me smile. I camped out in her room today and wrote a paper. Then we proceeded to have a terrible dinner, adventure for s'mores, feed the ducks, scare away children, voyage into georgetown and have successful missions. It's all in an evening's work.

It's legitimately startling how much time I don't have left here before I leave for the summer. I feel like I just now got to know so many amazing people and now I'm just peacin' out. It's such a bummer. Days like today feel like the beginning of summertime. You forget about the fact that you have 3 quizzes and a lab report and go adventuring instead. You put the dumb stuff aside for a beautiful second and remember how to feel free again. That was today for me. Such a good reminder. I have a week and a half left to LOVE where I am, who I'm with and what I'm doing.

Third eye blind is singing my sorrows away.

My phone refuses to send texts right now... why?

Did I mention that I fed a duck today? And walked barefoot on a stone wall? And ran up a broken escalator just to beat the slew of people on the moving one? And wore a tank top today without being cold?

I think life is a pretty cool song to dance to.

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