Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I've really never wanted anything more than this. A continuation of life. A total freedom of expression of who I am without fear of being judged or being worried about what other think because only one thing matters. All or nothing. To the end. I am myself, fearlessly, because I know it's all okay. It's all gonna be okay. Jesus knows my heart, my soul, my motives, my values, my stipulations. He's on my side every step of the way. He'll never leave. Ever. He's my number one. Whatever he says goes. I'm fearless when I'm walking in his light. Lord, help me never stray from it. Wisdom, be my guide, Jesus, keep me in the light. Just keep me where the light is. My genuine hopes are your desires. You will give me the desires of my heart. Help time be a blessing, not a burden. Help my mind grow, my good judgement never wane, my spirit never fade and my heart grow stronger in my love for the Father as I continue with this beautiful life. Pray for those who struggle. Advocate the sufferers, the strangers, the wanderers. Be the light. Pray to be the light, to understand how to keep the flame alive. Because, really, I've never wanted to feel so alive. I burn for this.

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