Thursday, April 7, 2011

I'm going to finish this paper.

I have a five page paper due in approximately five hours. I have one sentence written. But it's okay. I'm going to soldier through. I don't have caffeine but that's what jumping jacks and excedrine are for, right?

I'm eating applesauce, wearing fuzzy pink slippers [which I found out can survive going through the washer AND the dryer], I am unshowered because taking a shower is my incentive for getting this paper done. Is that gross? Yeah probably. Well, I'm not going into public, so It's an okay method of self-motivation.

It;s almost friiiiiiiiiday. Springfest. Springfest is tomorrow! Free t-shirts sound like a good plan to me. And moon bounces. Im so excited.

It's sunny outside. Im going to finish this paper so I can get out there and get me some Vitamin D :)

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