Monday, November 30, 2009


So for Thanksgiving, my family and I traveled to Jacksonville, Florida to be with my dad's side of th family. I twas an 18 hour car trip there but it was TOTALLY worth it. The first day we were there consisted of hanging iut by the hotel pool, surrounded by beautiful palm trees and crystal blue skies. It was amazing. My grandpa was turning 80 and so he had a huge party at his ritzy country club, at which he bought us all [the whole extended family] a beautifully delicious dinner. I have never eaten so well as I did on that trip. Coincidentally, I'm pretty sure I gained some love handles, but hey, that's what running is for :)
I'm pretty exhausted because I got back in town at 3:00am and I went to school today. YUCK. It wasn't fun. On the other hand, Christmas break is t-minus 3 weeks away and I CAN'T WAIT! It will be so fantastic.
I have to do homework now, as awful as that sounds. Hooray for Locke's Treatise on Government! NOT. I thought I was done reading Treatises [sp? haha] after I read Aquinas. I guess not. Oh well, reading makes you smarter :)
PS, I got accepted to IUPUI and Belarmine gave me a good scholarship!! Now everyone just needs to pray that I get the full ride that I applied for! I would DIE of happiness, that would be so wonderful. Oh I hope I hope I hope.
Tip your waitresses, they are under appreciated.

Monday, November 23, 2009

It's a wonderful night for a moondance

The Ballroom Dance was on Saturday night, and here I am with some of the lovely sophomore girls and my brother John who forgot how to smile. Nice one, Johnjy.
I'm feeling very accomplished today because I finished my million year-long scholarship last night and I'm turning it in tomorrow! Thank goodness it will be over. I don't even want to go to the school that the scholarship is for, but if they pay me to go there, I will definitely suck it up. I have nooooo money. I got accepted to IU today which is pretty spiffy :) As of now, my list of potential future school are Bellarmine, Xavier, and IU. Pretty much my top three choices anyway so yay!
T-minus 26 hours until I leave for Florida!! I am beyond ecstatic about this... one more school day to go. Meanwhile, I have a physics project to complete and a spanish test to study for and maybe a another scholarship essay if I'm feeling so inclined. I will probably definitely NOT be feeling so inclined.
Tom and John are coming over tonight and we're grilling and eating a lot of MEAT. I am so excited!! I love those boys. Funny story.. I was at starbucks the other night writing essayd when I hear whispered in my ear "Oh hey baby hows it goin??" I was about to turn around and scold the stranger who called me baby, but I turned around and it was Tom. Haha gotta love it. then John snuck up on me from the other direction. silly boys...
I really should go on a run... I'm thinking if I'm lucky, I might motivate myself to go like 2 miles... I'm feeling extra lazy today even though i know I'll regret not running when I'm stuck in the car for 17 hours and then spend the next day eating. a lot. of AMAZING. Thanksgiving food. I CANT WAIT.
Alright, well, off to try and motivate myself. Hooray for last night of homework!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

This has been quite possibly the slowest week of my life. I have a huge scholarship application due and I still need to write an essay and a half, write a better draft of my resume, and get my recommendation letters all in one place. UGH. I cannot wait until this semester is over!!!
On the other hand, by this time next week, I will be in FLORIDA. I am so excited to get out of South Bend!! The weather is legitimately depressing and sorts makes me wanna crawl into my bed and die for the next three months and come out when the sunshine returns. That would be okay with me. Alright... back to essay writing and trying to stay off of facebook, or anything else that sounds like more fun than writing about my career/professional goals. yuckk.
Hope it's sunny where you are because it sure isn't here.


Sunday, November 8, 2009


So I'm definitely procrastinating because I have a monster of a Spanish test tomorrow [which I have yet to start studying for] and an in-class essay [which for those of who who dont know is a terrific test of how far you can stretch your brain to improv on a 5 page paper that you are allotted less than two hours to write. It doesn't help that it's on Aquinas' Treatise on Law. fun] Needless to say, blogging felt like a more pressing matter :)
I got my first college acceptance letter yesterday, which is a big deal, so i hope you all are clapping for me. It is to Bellarmine University in Louisville Kentucky, and I would just about give an arm to go there. I hope they give me moneyy!!
I also went to the Notre Dame vs. Navy game yesterday.... HAH. What a joke. Nvay is quite amazing though, and I don't mind that we [ND] lost to them. I got to see an amazing flyover, which made my life and I got to go to a party and hang out with some Navy midshipmen who insisted on me wearing their jackets because it was chilly outside. I didnt mind one bit. All shallowness aside though, I have so much respect for what the Navy, and all branches of the military, do for our country and I hope I can appreciate fully the life I am able to have because of what they sacrifice. I love America. Now back to my essay... yuck.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Well since I haven't updated this in a while and I know you all are really tapping your feet, waiting to read another post... here I go wasting my time again. Soccer season is over, but it was soo much fun. We ended the season with a record of like... 13-5-1. Not too shabby for having lost like 5 seniors from last year. I was named the Most Valuable Player for the team, pretty cool since I'm the golaie, and I made first team all conference for the second year in a row. yay me! I feel somewhat accomplished. I will definitely miss high school soccer...
Last weekend was halloween, and I got to go to Indy to visit friends who I never ever get to see, which was fantastic and I had such a good time. i love all of them :)
This past school week was possibly the longest in my recent memory. I had a physics project that totally blew, but I did pretty well on it. Im kinda excited because this year, Im totally doing better in both physics and calculus than i did last year. What is that? I have no idea. Calc is really fun... but I still miss algebra. oh the good old eighth grade days....
I have to get up early in the morning because someone in my family decided to volunteer me to rake leaves at an old person's house. joyous truly. I can't complain that much because I am getting paid, and i have no money. Hooray for unconventional sources of random income!
I need sleep terribly.
Good night [not]readers.