Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wednesday, schmendsday

Oh, goodness, I've neglected you again, little blog. That's okay, I'm certain no one reads you, unfortunately.

Well, it's a glum looking day outside, very grey and droopy. I made myself get up early today and start my day off with a good prayer time. I don't have class until 3:30 today, so I had little motivation to roll out of bed at 8am, but I am very glad that I did! I'm trying to develop new grown up habits, starting with a morning ritual. I just think that any given day will go better if I have a set routine. Soooo, hooray for day number one!

I straightened my hair today just because I could. I keep forgetting how short it is! I miss my long hair sometimes. But, I won't dwell on vanity today! Today's for giving.

What do you want to accomplish today? If you were at your best right now, what would you be doing? What makes you tick?

I'm offering up my day to the Lord. I want him in my thoughts and conversations and choices, in the classroom and in my car when I drive. Ill choose to not to be wistful on this gloomy Wednesday, and instead I'll make some homemade sunshine.

Here's to a rockin' day! Pay it forward, smile, be bold and love well.

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