Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Commuter Chronicles: Day 3

I found a deliciously close parking spot today! Somehow it just made this otherwise quite and cloudy day a happy and light one.

So this past Monday, I showed up for my Clinical Nutrition course, and with the exception of one other student, no one showed up, not even the professor. I've been spending my day trying to figure out what the heck is going on… because there's no way on God's green earth that I am paying for a class that seemingly does not exist. Twas very curious, it was. Let's cross our fingers and toes that this gets resolved!

I spent 90 dollars in the bookstore today. Damn the textbooks that are custom-written for specific courses! My wallet is hungry.

There is little to say about today. As I said, it's a bit gloomy outside. There was a powdered-sugar dusting of snow on the ground this morning, which from my understanding thwarted the masses that commute in the DC Metro area, and the traffic was a chaotic mess. Glad I missed that. These east coast weather-wimps. It makes me chuckle. I drove to campus around noontime (my class doesn't start until 3:30 today, fuel for the procrastinator in me), and listened to my audiobook on the way. It's actually not a bad commute. I tend to not take the 66 bypass because the traffic and unruly drivers can be obnoxious. Instead I opt for taking Lee Hwy all the way to Glebe (where my little school resides). The drive takes about 20-24 minutes, and aside from the many stoplights, the drive doesn't bother me one bit. It gives me just the right amount of time to say my prayers for the day and collect myself to gear up for the day.

You know that feeling you get when you get drawn into yourself maybe a millimeter deeper than usual, and you become daydreamy and nostalgic? You don't get sad, you get wistful. The most pleasant, self-indulgent kind of melancholy that tends to stick with you for the rest of the day. It's a selfish kind of forlorn; you reminisce about people and places, you tend to stare off with a dreamy look in your eye, then realize you look like an airhead, then make yourself turn from airhead to lunatic when you laugh audibly at yourself for spacing out. Every once in a while, though, I let myself indulge in the melancholy, for because just as loneliness threatens to interfere with the solace, hope jumps in to give your sentiments a glowy hue of promise.

Well, that's my rant for the day. I'm gonna go find a ladies room, smoke a cigarette (two separate endeavors, mind you), and go to class. Tally hoe! (where on earth does that expression come from?)

Happy Wednesday.

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