Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Awake & Alive. [with the help of frivolous amounts of maxwell house]

Today I got up early! I mean, it wasn't by choice because I have to work in approximately 40 minutes, but nevertheless, I am alive, awake, and alert. I am also on my 3rd mug of black coffee. Reheated. I learned from my dad to drink my coffee black. In addition to being positively YUMMY, I love how low-maintenance and easy it is. And you can just keep reheating it... I think I've learned to ignore the fact that my coffee tastes burnt a lot of the time.

I'm sore today from running-- a welcome feeling after having done nothing productive for weeks on end. I'm committing it to myself now, I am going to be in good shape this summer. There really is no excuse not to be.

This post is super short but I have to leave for work soon. I just wanted to start the day off right, start my mind moving and rev myself up for nannying 6 kids under the age of 9. Let the circus begin!


  1. Your coffee probably tastes burnt because it's Maxwell House. You should drink True Stone. Just sayin...

  2. Hehehe, you're probably right. Maxwell House combined with the fact that I let it get cold and end up reheating it multiple times. You'd think I'd learn...
