Friday, August 20, 2010

The night before life goes on.

Errands. Doctors appointments. Roadtrips. Job interviews. Packing my room. In between it all, it never really sunk in that I'm leaving. That everything I've been rushing around doing for the past two weeks has been a preparation for me to LEAVE. I'm moving away. Literally, awayaway, not just a few cities down the road. OH MY GOSH. I don't know how to pinpoint what I'm feeling right now. I'm ECSTATIC, nervous, lonely, giddy, hopeful, and just sooooo excited. All in one Mary. It's an interesting experience, lemme tell ya. All in all, I am just trying to focus on looking forward to the weeks ahead and not dwell on the sadness of leaving my family and friends. EAST COAST, here I come :]
My parents gave me a spankin' new camera for my graduation present. I wasn't even expecting ANYTHING, much less something so awesome! I needed one badly, the last one I owned [and still own] is one I bought in the seventh grade. It is chunky and slow. I paid for it in cash. It was over $200. Ohhh how the times have changed... In any case, I'm super excited about that. Yay!
I had such a good summer. SUCH. a good one. For the books, completely. Here's a recap:
- POP Camp. Exhausting, cold, wet, hilarious and amazing as usual.
- GRADUATION. That one speaks for itself.
- DC for orientation. I met so many awesome people who I get to see again soon!
- I got to go fishin!
- Indy/Valpal's house for the Fourth of July. Can I even begiiin to tell you about the shenanigans? Better not, we'd be here all day. Bottom line, it rocked.
- Pensacola Beach in Florida. Best beach trip I can remember... so much epic bonding with my cousins. The whole trip was just focused on CHILLIN. Can't get much bettahh.
- Valerie's for a week with 5 other AMAZING girls. That was the best week of my life, for serious. You should legitimately be jealous. INTERJECTION: If yall don't know Valerie Marie Carnevale, then you should prolly work on that. Because knowing Valerie is like having a bucket fulla sunshine on one of your shoulders and a chinese wiseman on the other. She is the perfect mixture of happy, carefree, lifeloving, caring soul and wise. She is wise because she loves in ACTIONS and not just words. Get to know her, you'll be a better person. Okay, back to my summer.. :]
- Beach trips with my best friends. It rocks living near lake michigan.
- Roadtrip with Roger down to Purdue to get Renee and then down to IUPUI to crash at Katie Anne's apartment and have bonding time before we all are at our separate schools. That was the best, I'm in love with those people.
- Annnnd now we are at the present. I'm sitting in my room, on my bed, surrounded by a whole lot of nothing because everything is packed in the car for the trip in the morning. I waited so long to "leave for college" and now that it's happening, I can't help but be a little disappointed at how surreal this all still feels. In any case, in about 8 hours I will be en route to a crazy, unknown, amazing future and I'm embracing it. Bring it on, life.

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