Monday, August 16, 2010

Countin' Down

Wahhh! Insanity. I just realized that IIIII'm leaving town in 4 and a half days. AHH! So excited! I also haven't started packing... hahaha but that can wait, yes? Procrastinating is so much more fun. My friend Roger and I are roadtripping down to Indianapolis to visit my other friend Katie who's been in her apartment alone for a week because her roommates haven't moved in yet. She's lonely. We are going to cheer her up. I can't wait!
I cleaned out my drawers and closet today and basically threw everything I haven't worn in the past nine months into garbage bags to give away. I feel like I lost about 30 pounds. There's actually SPACE in my drawers now. Who knew?
Here are some things I've discovered I want to accomplish in the next year or so [hahah don't you love my random spurts of inspiration I suddenly decide to share? I swear, I'm only just now thinking of these...]
-Go to a foreign country. I don't care where. But Canada doesn't count.
-keep a journal.
-run a half marathon. or a full one.
-take more pictures. photojournal my life [because its soooooo exciting and all..]
-learn how to love people better. not easy.

That was a really obscure list. I'm just realizing how cool life is. Like... we are so lucky! People LOVE us and want to be around us and take care of us and help us and ahh. So loved. We are SO LOVED. God is awesome. This sounds so random. Well prolly cause it is random... but I felt the need to say it. I'm loving life because I can love and I am loved. I was driving with my mom the other night and we were kind of in the middle of nowhere, farmland, cornfields, etc and the stars were UNREAL. like... the sky was actually exploding with stars. She told me to pull to the side of the road into a field. I did. And we stargazed on the hood of the car. I saw the biggest shooting star I've ever seen in my life. That's love. Incredible, impossible love. Moments like that just take me off guard, but it was one of those rare moments when you're looking up and you feel like you're being swallowed by something so much bigger and more mysterious than anything you've ever experienced. That big, mysterious amazing feeling is LOVE. The bigness and the impossibly profound beauty of the love that God has for us. You can't look up at a sky like that and not feel completely humbled. The vast sky, the hugeness of what I was feeling literally took my breath away and put tears in my eyes. I am so, so small compared to God, yet I get to experience THIS because He, HE, Jesus Christ loves ME. askdjkdjkflmds! That's So in times like this when I'm starting to panic about moving away and start to fear the unknown, I remember that I am soo ignorant of the fullness of the plans He has for me. Jeremiah 29:11. He KNOWS the plans He has for me. Plans for me to prosper and not be harmed, plans to give me hope and a future. My God is an awesome God.

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