Thursday, December 3, 2009

Painfully Ordinary

So today, I basically felt mentally impaired. i don't know what it was, but there was some kind of wall between my hearing something, comprehending, and responding. Example from Spanish class- Teacher:"Mary will you read the next example?" Me:"Do the next example?" Teacher:"Yes, read it in Spanish please." Me:"Wait, where are we? I'm sorry I was writing something down, I don't know where we are." Teacher: "The last sentence on the page." Me:"Wait, but I thought I was supposed to do all of the examples?"
That is pretty much the story of how my entire day went. I was acting and feeling completely dysfunctional and stupid. Why?! I blame it on schoolwork. Namely MATLAB. If you don't know what matlab is, don't even worry about it, just know that it is the spawn of Satan and it will kick you in the butt. I just spent like 3 hours working on a linear algebra project that we had to do with matlab.... it was truly a walk in the park, a joyride, a real JOY. You should try it sometime.

My neighborhood is all lit up with Christmas lights and its really fun to run in. I normally get sick of running in my neighborhood because it feels small, but now it's fun because I can look at all the lights when I run by :) The only downer is that there are tons of cars b/c people tour the streets to look at the lights. It also legit snowed for the first time today! Even though I'm not a big fan of winter, it still kinda gave me warm fuzzies when snowflakes were clustering in my hair and making little piles on the sidewalks.

Quote of the day: "Pain of Discipline, Pain of Regret - pick one".

Remember to wear red to support our troops tomorrow!!!

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