Monday, December 12, 2011

Finals week memoirs: Monday

Dum da dummmmmmm. It's here folks! Finals week festivities have begun, kicked off with Sunday night paper writing which rolled into a 4am Monday morning. I'd say this is starting off splendidly.

You know, finals week is a funny thing. It's the be all end all of procrastination biting you in the booty. For a whole week, it is socially acceptable to look like a hoodlum, wear no makeup, not have matching clothes and pull all nighters to your heart's content, and no one judges you. It's a beautiful thing, really. I feel like I'm in my natural habitat. Life of a nursing major during finals week= adrenaline, coffee, puffy eyes and exhaustion giggle fits.

It's hard to think that in a week I won't even be in Virginia anymore... I literally have no idea how long I'm going to be gone. It breaks my heart... it's too abrupt an exit from this place. Don't get me wrong, I'm on the edge of my seat and ready to sprint the heck away from Marymount, but from Nova... no way. This is scary. I truly found myself here. I feel like I'm about to leave half of my heart here. So quickly, I established amazing relationships and a world of possibilities, only to put them on hold for a while. I'm trying to be sunshiney about this... I know that this is all happening for an ultimate good, and I know that I won't end up miserable. But it's still a struggle knowing what I'm temporarily leaving behind. I'll probably cry when I leave, not gunna lie. And guys, I'm really not a crier, ever. Womp.

You know, my laptop battery life is approximately an hour. It irks me frequently.

I found the greatest Christmas gift for my dad. It's gonna make him laugh a lot.

I have a headache, dunno know why. Go awayyyy.

I just realized that since it's so close to Christmas, I should probably have some peppyhappygolucky Christmas spirit... Jingle bells?

My apple has a big fat bruise. Sorry for shoving you so violently into my backpack, apple.

I'm so glad to be alive today. Just realized that my car crash was exactly two months ago.

I think I'm going to go to the library during the day today. Maybe I'll get more done.

I'm watching a movie in class and it just described Hilary Clinton as "a sexy little lady." Yuck?

I would love a cigarette right now.

Blehhh, my computer's gonna die. But I'm gonna go into this week with a dumb smile and live alive through it all. I'm going to miss this, and I know it will go by way too fast. Happy Monday :)

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