Monday, June 21, 2010

Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Getting to College in One Piece

Hellooo world. I feel like I've been hibernating for the past few weeks. POP camp has come and gone, it was enlightening, humbling, and exhausting as always. I'm always grateful I go even though I usually dread it beforehand. I GRADUATED which is about at the top of my reasons-to-be-happy-about-life-right-now-list. I am ecstatic to be done with high school forever and am terrified and completely excited about opening a new chapter of my wild and precious life at Marymount University in the fall :) I have orientations coming up this weekend. My mom and I are driving down to Virginia a few days early so i can hang out with my sister and play in DC before I go to orientation. I am so excited. I keep hoping I feel better before I go... I've been sick for about a solid month now. Coughs, cold, sore throat, you name it. It's dumb BUT I think I'm getting better.
I had my graduation party on Saturday! It was a joint party with three of my friends, and I think it was a smashing success. There was a ton of food, there were tons of people and I think everyone had a good time. We had a keg ;) No underage drinking, obviously. My dad manned the beer. No shenanigans get past that man. I owe my parents big time. our power was out for a good 24 hours and our party just happened to be during that time. Despite all of the food-rescuing from powerless refrigerators and retrieving of generators, they were stellar hosts, I am so grateful.
At the moment, I am soaking up the peace and quiet. Four of my six siblings are out of town! It's just me and little William here, and I miss everyone a lot. Poor Will probably has been bored out of his mind. i took him to the library and Starbucks today to lighten the mood. I think it helped a little.
I'm reeeeeaallly in the mood for just driving. I don't care to where, I just want it to take a long time. There is a lot on my mind and I need to ease my thoughts somehow. I would run, but I rode my bike today for about 2.5 miles before I started shaking and had to stop. I hate being sick. Meanwhile I'm praying for all my anxieties and troubles to be lifted up-- God knows what he's doing, and he won't give me anything he knows I can't handle. I have two quotes of the day; One deals with not worrying, the other deals with not being discouraged with myself, which I tend to be.
"Do not worry over things that generate
preoccupation and anxiety. One thing only is necessary:
To lift up your spirit and love to God."
~Blessed Padre Pio


"Have patience with all things,
but chiefly have patience with yourself.
Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections,
but instantly set about remedying them -
every day begin the task anew."
~ St. Francis de Sales

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