Monday, January 11, 2021


Hello from the depths of my extremely comfy sofa! It is January 11th 2021 and the world has not exploded yet, at least not literally. What a damn year we've lived, and honestly I feel like the struggle to stay ourselves and stay faithful to God and to our friends and not stray from everything important and holy and sacred is at a crucial point. There is SO much divide, so many voices in our ears telling us what they want us to hear, so many new things to fear. But hear this: BE STEADFAST. 

Be persistent in prayer, and keep alert as you pray, giving thanks to God.

Be persistent in prayer, yall. These are the break out the rosary times, the get on your knees times, the help the old lady across the street times. The go to church when you don't feel like it times, the pray your way to sleep, go out of your way to be kind, sing Jesus songs in praise times, the never lose hope in the goodness and grace of God times. Because what else can we do? What else do we have control over except how we can effect the people surrounding us? Make constant, deliberate, minute-to-minute choices to be the best version of yourself. It will probably make a bigger difference than you could ever imagine. These things tend to have a ripple effect.

In other news, hi! I'm back! Took me long enough. I haven't written in goodness knows how long, so bear with me as I re-acclimate to dumping my thoughts here in the little blog that could.

I won't bore you with the last year or two of my life happenings, except for saying that I've gained more nieces and being an aunt is the best thing on the planet. I'm a Godmother now! It is glorious and I am so in love.

I am in the process of doing a 1,000 piece puzzle that my brother-in-law got me for Christmas. Usually, I can do these babies in one sitting, but this one has me burning the midnight oil on day 3. See below...

 Not for the faint of heart, and most of it is ocean. But I shall conquer.

I don't have much brain juice tonight, but I promised myself that I would slap something on here to kickstart my new resolution-- at least 1 post a week for my sanity and re-ignition of my love for writing! So, dear reader, whoever you are (I may be addressing absolutely no one), gear up! 2021 has just begun, and so has my new lease on life and my renewed sense of loving life where I am. It's bound to be a fun, random, chaotic ride, but let's do this.

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