Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Summertime Musings

Hey, world, it's been a while.

I am currently surrounded by sidewalk chalk, water balloons, and copious amount of bubbles. Can you say bliss? All that's missing is tiedye and maybe a popsicle or seven. It's a beautiful day. The kind where you feel the heat coming from the ground just as much as from the sun. When the grass is sticky and hot and the shaded pavement is cool. Days like this take me back to when I was little and shoes didn't matter and summer was synonymous with adventure. I think I need a little bit of adventure in my life. I'm starting to get restless from feeling too static.

Time moves way faster than you think sometimes, doesn't it? Life has funny ways of reminding you to stop spacing out and letting time slip by unappreciated. My dear wonderful sister and her husband are expecting a baby! Due Christmas Eve. I am beyond elated about this. My other sister is getting married in a few months! I'm the maid of honor. So exciting! My best friend Valerie gets married in less than a month and I'm in her wedding as well! What joy. Just happy joyness everywhere.

A few days ago, I bought two toe rings. I am currently wearing both.

Lately, I sing more than I have in a while. This is a good sign.

I sat at this little Irish Pub called Fiddler's Hearth with my friend Calla yesterday. We listened to live Irish music and ate pub pretzels and talked about our future selves vagabonding around the world. Day made.

I spent $50 at CVS today, and the majority of my purchase consisted of bubbles and sidewalk chalk. Win.

I smell good right now. Always a good thing.

I get to go to Diamond Lake tonight and visit awesome cousins! Diamond Lake teems my mind with memories of childhood Fourth of Julys, sitting on the edge of the wooden pier, legs too small for my feet to touch the water, watching twilight fireworks electrify the sky and soak up the darkness. Firework imprints would jump in my eyelids every time I blinked. Even though I would be sunburned and exhausted, I came alive when the sky lit up. Fireworks are still one of my favorite things.

As naptime winds down here in nanny land, the house is growing more abuzz by the minute. I've blown up about 8 balloons in the past 5 minutes and I'm lightheaded but laughing.

I saw a chipmunk steal away an entire chocolate chip cookie today. Pity about the casualty, but I was impressed with the chipmunk.

I love the feeling at the end of days like this, mentally and emotionally drained from being needed by 7 kids all day long, yet oh so satisfied at the same time. A sense of accomplishment abounds, and love for the kids takes over my heart. I'm smitten, I am.

Duty calls, sidewalk chalk masterpieces are begging to be created, and I'm the girl for the job.

Happy Wednesday, world! Hope yours is as colorful as mine is about to be :)

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