Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Couch Potato

My name is Mary and I look like a chipmunk and I'm drooling like a baby.
Having your wisdom teeth out may mean catchin some extra z's but man oh man, it is NOT glamorous. At the moment, there are mountains of gauze in my cheeks, my bottom lip feels like it's the size of a basketball, im drooling, and there are two tube socks stuffed with baggies of frozen peas that are tied around both sides of my head. Ever seen the old Christmas Carol when Jacob Marley comes in and ties a kerchief around his whole head, closing his jaw? Observe....


Anyway, I'm trying not to think and just to enjoy time off work for a few days while my cheeks un-swell.

I haven't written anything on here in a really long time! It's almost time to start packing to go back to school... holy wow, where in the world did the summer go? It's August now, what?? Insane. I'm actually completely excited to go back to school... I miss my friends and DC soooooooo much!!! However, leaving my nannying job will be so ridiculously hard. I got to attached to those kids, I'm going to miss them so much. They're gonna be so big the next time I see them after the summer ends! Ugh. Sad.

I want a frosty, mmmm.

Im getting feeling back in my face slowly. It feels weird. Ooo oo, I asked to see my teeth after they pulled them. It was soooo cool. It;s crazy how deep they go. Go'ds such an architect.

Ohhhhkay, soo I haven't lauded Valerie lately, so now I'm gunna.
Valerie is the busiest person I know. Seriously,no joke, I have NO idea how she maintains even semi-frequent bouts of sanity. If I were she, I would have ABSOLUTELY no social life, much less be able to be a delightful friend/girlfriend/sister/daughter. I'm sure I would be a grumpy terror. Valerie is just so lovely. She belongs in a Jane Austen novel. Not as one of the sitting duck-type girls who spend their days sewing and playing piano, but as the Elizabeth Bennett type-- the dazzling heroine who captures peoples attention not just with her beauty [which is great] but also with her passion and intellect and enthusiasm for life and understanding the dimensions of reality. The heroine who sweeps Mr. Darcy off his feet because he's positive that she's the iron woman of the century. Valerie is totally the iron woman of the century. She photographs thousands of people and has something unique and genuine to say about EACH of them. She has so much room in her heart for people and passions. Work consumes her life sometimes, but she finds so much beauty in it and so much appreciation for the down time. Constantly humbled at a tough price, but she's grateful for everything. She's such a role model for me. I just love her.

Thank goodness it's Shark Week. I'm easy-chair bound for the next 24 hours... Bring on the jaws.

I'm grateful for living in America. The standards of care and cleanliness and living are unbelievable compared to EVERYWHERE else in the world. I did nothing to deserve being born in this country. Thank you baby Jesus.

I'm going to go ice my face. Hey, at least I wasn't bit by a shark! I just saw an episode about this lady whose entire butt got bitten off by a shark. That would be the worst. And way more awkward than chipmunk cheeks.

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