Sunday, January 17, 2010

Because Rambling is What I Do Best...

Well, it's 2010 folks! Graduation year!!! Soo stoked. I'm back into the same old school routine, with a slightly altered schedule. I am in drama class now and we are putting on a show of the play "A Doll's House" which should be pretty awesome, I'm excited despite my disappointingly small and slightly lame role. Oh well, life goes on, yes?
A few weeks ago, I went into Chicago with my friend by train and we played downtown for most of the day and ended up both getting our cartilages pierced on a whim. It was spectacular, gosh I love spontaneity.
So being back into school after Christmas break also means getting back into my running schedule which has become all but completely destroyed due to holiday feasting and laziness. Needless to say, after my pretty pathetic two-mile run yesterday, I am sore today. Not a good sign, my friends. I hate being out of shape!!!! I really want to train for a half marathon... which seemed possible last year at this time when I could run 7 miles a day no problem. Grr I hate getting lazy. Oh well, i have a lot of time since most of my scholarship apps are done, so I'm hoping to motivate myself enough to get faithfully dedicated again. I do love it, after all, it's just a bit of a love-hate thing for the first two/three weeks of getting back into the swing of things.
In other news, I am completely excited because I only have a 2 DAY school week coming up. why do you ask? Well, Martin Luther King Jr. Day on monday, I'll go to school tuesday and wednesday, thennn on wednesday afternoon, my friend from indianapolis is driving up here, staying here that night, then on thursday morning, she and I and my sister are all taking a roadtrip to washington dc!! Woooot. we are going for the March for Life and also to visit the many awesomee friends we have there. I am sooooooo excited. wowwow.
I'm not feeling creative right now or talkative, I just kind of feel like sleeping. Ever have those days where you just feel like even when people LOOK at you, it's too loud? Everything bothers you? Yeah it's one of those dumb-no-reason-for-my-bad-mood days. I think i'll take a nap, thank you.
Until next time where I ave nothing of substance to say again.

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