Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Cool Stuff

I need to work on this whole being grateful thing.

I need to work on not being self-centered.

I need to turn my will into action.

I need to stop thinking so much.

Today was a victory day. I spent about 20 of the last 24 hours studying for my first Anatomy & Physiology II exam. You wouldn't believe the amount of things I memorized in that short amount of time. Did you know that you have 31 pairs of spinal nerves? And that they have names like "vestibulocochlear?" True. Did you know that your vestibulocochlear nerves control your hearing and balance ability? Hah! Now you do. I can spit out extensive information about how nerve impulses are generated and what part of your brain tells you that you're thirsty. Such nifty stuff, I dig it. In lab today, we dissected sheep brains. SO COOL. God is so nifty, the brain is an unbelievable thing. Mary's mind is blown.

I'm listening to "Elephants" by Warpaint.

I should be reading my philosophy homework but honestlyy... I read the same thing in high school and I know all of it backwards and forwards. Having a three hour seminar on this stuff now is just cruel overkill. I do super well in the class though. Meh. Still obnoxious.

I'm sick. It's dumb.

Oh, by the way, I got a B on that test. Apparently that's phenomenal coming from everyone I've talked to who's taken this course from the professor I have. Win. And I aced a lab quiz today. Win win.

I like random adventures like accompanying my starving friends to chipotle even though I have no reason to go.

Maroon 5's album "Songs About Jane" has to be on my top 5. Every song's a win.

I'm too tired to write anything of substance right now but I'm just happy to be today. Ironically, it's been one of the most demanding days of the year. Cool stuff.

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