Sunday, September 13, 2009

Well today was very productive! I found a ridiculously cute pair of forever 21 skinny jeans at a second hand store for $5. Whoever said second hand stores are lame were wrong! They are an answered prayer for broke people like me. So in addition to finding a spectacular pair of jeans, I got all of my homework done, finalized some college application details, went on a fantastic run, took a shower, made my lunch, and I am in bed at 10:48 pm. I think this may be a record for me... Now watch me not be able to get out of bed tomorrow morning. Oh, it would happen to me. Anyway, Im kind of proud of how successful my day was. Now back to another week of academic hell. Whoever came up with this curriculum clearly did not have to experience it. ulg.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

So I took the ACT this morning and I'm so glad it's over! It wasn't to hard, it just took FOREVER! I had like half the science section left when the proctor called time, so for the first time ever, I was one of those kids frantically scrambling to fill in as many random bubbles as I could. It was awesome. I had a soccer game right after that and we owned, it was great. Now Notre Dame is playing Michigan and we're 3 points ahead and im freaking out!! I need notre dame to win! goo team!

Friday, September 11, 2009

I really should be sleeping right now. i'm taking the ACT tomorrow and guess what? I didn't study! I had no clue that ACT online offered practice questions free... great job, Mary. Wow I'm awesome at life sometimes. But oh well, God loves me right? Maybe I'll do better than the crappy SAT scores I have now. Ugh... not looking froward to the alarm going off in the morning. For all of you [actually none of you] who are reading this, I hope one senior in high school knows that I feel their pain-- serious sleep lackage mixed with double the usual amounts of caffeine make a friday at school feel like Ash Wednesday-- cloudy, always depressing, and the longest day ever. Good night world.