Friday, March 23, 2012

Dreary Friday.

I'm reaching an all time low with ideas of how to make money. I just listed some of my old handbags on craigslist. Thinking about walking dogs... banging on people's doors to demand that I babysit their children. This is true entrepreneurship.

There's been a steady drizzle today. The kind where all you wanna do is sink underneath your covers and sleep until the next ice age rolls around. [And then sleep summore, because who wants to be awake during an ice age?] I should do some dishes, throw in some laundry... vacuum, clean my room, put on some people clothes... Oh my.

On the other foot, I'm reading a really great book. It's called A Separate Peace by John Knowles. I recommend it.

Who has a car they wanna give me for free?

My brother is blasting The Killers and singing along loudly.

Pleh. Maybe I'll write more later, but I need to go be responsible and stuff.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Thousands of sewing machines, tapping urgently and beckoning.
The sound of the after-midnight train i hear three blocks away.
It's laced with the tracks, pummeling too fast, willing me to wander away from here.
In my mind, I lurch ten miles a minute,
melting into the steel facade of its escape, wanderlusting and captivated.
But I know that it is more wise to be still.
I'll fasten myself to the mundane present, and take comfort in my mind that, ten miles a minute away, my destination peers through fog-burdened trees.