Thursday, June 23, 2011

Run Baby Run

Ever had one of those oh-wow-oh-my-gosh-I-just-realized-what-makes-me-tick moments? Well I just did. Actually it's kind of a rediscovery because once upon a time, this was my life. Running, that is. After I got back from school this spring, I felt like my life had kinda fallen out of rhythm. I got really bad at the whole balancing act between doing the every-day stuff and doing what keeps me sane. I discovered a long time ago that running, with all of its aches and pains and mental focus and endurance, is what makes me feel the most free, the most happy, the Maryest Mary I can be. Whenever I fall out of my running habit I feel like crap all the time. However, I am making a decision. A commitment to myself that this summer, I'm not going to let myself forget the top-of-the-world feeling that never fails when I run. I want to make it a part of me again. Today, I ran home from work. I thought it was like 3 miles, and I'd run from about the same place home before and wasn't really phased by it. But it ended up that it was 4.68 miles. SHAZAM. I feel like I'm back in the game. I'm ready to run alll the time and love it.

The other night, my mom asked me if I wanted to go sit on the roof and solve the world's problems. Did I win the mom jackpot or what??

I miss Jaime and Chelsea.

I don't have very much else to say at the moment. I'm just being content to be.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sunshine gonna wash my blues away

Lonnnng overdue for a good blogging. Here commences my cats-and-dogs-mental outpouring.

Where to begin.... well, I'm working full time this summer, a revelation in the life of Mary Christeta, considering my past summers have been spent thumb-twiddling and pouncing upon the occasional desperate babysitting job. I nanny for six children under the age of ten for nine hours a day, five days a week. Substantial upgrade? I think so. For as crazy, insane, and mentally exhausting as the job can be, ultimately I love it. The family has four girls and two boys, the eldest being a ten year old girl and the youngest being an eight-month old girl, a complete bundle of sweetness. Two of the kids were adopted from Haiti: Vivian, a first grader who has a mind of her own and, to put it lightly, a fiercely independent nature. She is actually kind of intimidating. Her jump roping skills are unrivaled... The other Haiti child is a four year old bundle of energy named John Peter, JP for short. My oh my, is he crazy. In the hilarious, he's-so-mischievous-but-so-clever-and-oh-my-gosh-his-huge-brown-eyes-are-so-cute-so-i-really-can't-be-very-mad-at-him kind of way. He is all love and hugs when he isn't crying his big crocodile tears because of his perpetually jungle-gym-scraped knees. He occasionally talks in third person, too. He can ride his training wheels like a maniac and still stay balanced [I always thought training wheels just made the bike more rickety and scary], while also [somehow] not running over two-year-old Liam who haphazardly waddles, stub-toed and barefoot, along JP's trailblazing path on his tricycle. Nerve-racking, hilarious kids. The baby girl is SO CUTE. Her cheeks sag down because they're so fat, and she looks like she has huge biceps and Popeye's forearms because her little chubchub rolls are so big and round. However, despite her chubbiness, she has a skinny little frame so she's light. She has just learned to crawl, so when you hold her, she constantly squirms and climbs up your torso like a little monkey. She only has her two front teeth in, too. Someone got all they wanted for Christmas, eh? All in all, despite being tired at the end of the day, all the hugs and kisses and baby giggles I get totally cancel out the poopy diapers and wetting the bed. [Just to be clear, it's the kids' poopy diapers and wet beds, not mine.]

In other news, Pensacola is only a week away and I'm sooo ready to get out of South Bend and have some bonding time with my sweet Gulf of Mexico. I ache for my sunrise runs along the beach, breathless in the hot sun and finding refuge for that split second of splintered palm tree shade. I can't wait to have absolutely nothing better to do than to just SIT [or lay out] on the sugar white sand and forget myself in the sunshine. Pensacola nights are probably my favorite. Cocktail time starts approximately at 5:30pm, and from then on, it's nothing but good food, drinking, laughing, and bonding with my incredibly awesome extended family. Seriously, I don't think you could bring together a more badass group of people. My Grandpa [my dad's dad] flew plans in the Navy during Vietnam, my two of my uncles are in the Navy too, one is a Naval doctor, once stationed on aircraft carriers, and the other is a Marine. My other Uncle is one of the most hilarious people I know and my aunts would make a living if their conversations were televised or documented. They are so funny. I just can't wait, it will be free & easy, just how summer is supposed to be. With nothing to worry about except a sunburn :)

I'll finish this post later because I'm off to a couple high school graduation parties. People grow up so fast! I swear these kids were just little 5th grade babies and now they're graduating from my old high school. Time flies. Or in the true spirit of good old Trinity School, TEMPUS FUGIT :)
[once you learn latin, it never leaves you.]

Hasta luego amigos!

p.s. Spain vs. USA today.... both of my teams against each other... my heart is torn two ways. May the best men win.