Sunday, May 23, 2010

By the Way...

I should Add that to the already prospectively blissful coming months, I only have to pay approximately $4,000 to go to school every year. WHAAAAT. I have $29,000 in SCHOLARSHIP money. God is so cool.

new ordinary

incandescent love
burning holes in my irises as
flaming sunsets melt the rain away.
the husk of my world dangles threads of
color-coded memories and pop tab wishes.
when night comes alive with neon conversations
and the clicks of sensible heels, i will try to
convince you that my smile is just because
and i'll cross my fingers for you to catch my drift.
minty secrets, sore heels, breathless laughter and
sugar crushes that melt in my thoughts;
they all tell me to never stop loving
this windows down adventure, these peeling billboard signs.

It's almost over!!!

Ohh my goodness, well look at me. I have five days of high school left until I'm DONE. foreverrr! That's so crazy! Tomorrow is senior skip day and we're going to the beach :)
My soul sister best friend twin kindred spirit Valerie came to my house yesterday and it was so. much. fun. We decided that having an adventure was very appropriate, so off we went with ourselves and a camera. We found a field, and a very muddy construction site, and the fun began. Needless to say, we came back with about 500 hilarious pictures, and war-paint mud stripes on our faces and our hair tied back like hippies with construction site.. stuff. It was glorious. She makes me so happy. We've only known each other for about 6 months, but she's honestly one of my best friends. She brings out the absolute best in me and i am 100% completely myself when im with her. I ruvv her.
Oh I am so excited, my friend Allesha is getting married next weekend and I have TONS of friends coming in for the wedding. It's going to be suchhhh a good weekend... so much merriment.. ahh I can't wait :)
I have to go to bed because despite my ridiculously long nap today, I'm beat. Hooray for skip day tomorrow! Goodnight moon.